Thursday, December 30, 2010

My sweet potato is in the oven & other random bits....

I was very ambitious this morning. I'm feeling great. It's probably because I stopped the all cookie diet I was on. I haven't woken up with a sugar headache in 4 days, which is a really good thing. I gave Jay the last of my cutout cookies so I would not be tempted to eat (inhale) them. They are just too good to throw out. They are gone & I'm happy.....& a little sad.

This morning I went to the Y to do my C25K. I made a play list, which I thought was great. I don't think so anymore. It's too hard for me to keep a pace with the music. Each song isn't quite the same beats per minute (bpm) and I change my pace, faster or slower, to maintain a rhythm. I think it makes me burn out quicker. I've been loving the Girl Talk - All Day mix that was made. I am no where near the pace of the music, but it's consistent, which helps me. I know I will get there eventually....

Anyway, after the "run", I got on the elliptical for 35 minutes, making my total cardio 60 minutes. Yes, I've earned the nap I am about to take!! I listened to only 3 songs that I recently got while on the elliptical. I change/keep pace to them. They aren't "new" songs, just new to me. I like them because they make me want to move. I've also been putting these songs on to do my planks & abdominal work when I get home. I'm lucky to have a boyfriend who made me a 6lb & 9lb weighted bars like you see at the gym. We checked out prices on them in Dick's Sporting Goods & because of his craft he saved me about $60!!!! They are "Teeth" by Lady Gaga, "Not Myself Tonight" & "Woohoo" by Christina Aguilera. I have added the videos so you can hear them for yourself. Please note that there hasn't been a video released for Woohoo, so I did the best I could! Let me know what you think about the music!! I've been dancing around my apartment listening to them!!

So, as I mentioned Monday, I got On Program (OP) with Weight Watchers (WW). I've done well. I had to have a mid week weigh because I'm an every day weigher. I've been trying not to. I will only be sharing my progress weekly. Just know that it's going awesome so far!! I've accounted for everything & have felt completely satisfied. Please note that a banana with Nutella is DIVINE!!!! I've even been planning ahead for Friday night, which is New Years Eve so that I don't have to feel deprived. I will be making a WW appetizer to bring with me to my friend's house, who is also doing WW. If it's good, I will share it!!!

On Monday, something was said, that maybe I took to heart a little too much. The comment in itself was snarky & I responded & ironically was told I didn't need to "get snarky". Yeah, several of my friends & I are doing WW. No, no food is off limits. It's all about choices. Less than 12 hours of trying to make a lifestyle change is not exactly when I want to hear someones sarcasm. Obviously it's still bothering me because today is Thursday. Probably because it's my nature to hold on to things & not let them go. I pretty much can remember most of all the things ever said to me that have bothered me. I remember where I was, who said them & when they were said. Anyway......I'm trying hard to work through it and that process seems to be rather slow. And no, I don't talk to people when something they did or said bothered me. That is something I am still working on. Usually I just hold everything in & hide behind a smile & pretend everything is fine. Maybe this is small progress in that area because I've shared it instead of keeping it inside?

I can smell a sweet potato I've been baking for my snack & I can't wait to eat the hot & sweet goodness!! I'm so excited for it!!!

Check back Monday when I tell you how my first week back on WW went!!! It's going to be exciting!!!

Be safe & Have a Happy New Year!!!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

So Far So Good

Yesterday I re-signed up for Weight Watchers (WW). I wanted some time to familiarize myself with things again as well as see what the new Points Plus was about. Some points values have changed, but not too much is different.

I spent a good amount of time yesterday tracking my food for the entire day. It was helpful, I was 100% On Program (OP). I've tracked for tomorrow too. I'm feeling really excited about this. It's feeling a bit different this time. I don't know why, it just is.

Anyway, I just wanted to share that I did sign up & had a great day. As I get more into it, I'm sure I will have more to share.

Plus, I can't write too much. I got in all my water & I have to pee every 15 minutes. Just what you wanted to know, right???


Monday, December 20, 2010

I am....

I will finish the title in a bit. I have some things I need to share first.

I've been meaning to share with you what I wrote since Friday. I've just been busy, eating cookies mostly, but busy getting ready for Christmas. Wrapping & finishing a few homemade gifts. So let me back track a little...

My friend Ashley has been feeling under the weather. The poor thing. She can't quite shake this cold she's had & Thursday passed up the Y to rest. Since I was up & I had to talk to someone at the Y anyway, I went over to do a little cardio. I didn't do my C25K work as I won't do that without Ashley. When I got there I jumped on the cross trainer. I haven't been on the cross trainer in weeks, since I started doing the C25K program. Usually, when I get on the cross trainer after not being on it for a while, it's a bit tough. I usually don't incline it & leave the resistance about 6. Well, I started right out at a resistance of 8. Pretty good. So as I was trucking along, I checked my heart rate. 128. What the hell? Why is it so low? Not that I'm complaining, mind you, it's just it shouldn't be that low since I haven't been on the cross trainer. In fact, my legs weren't burning. I wasn't struggling.

I decided to increase my resistance up to 10 & moved the incline to 14. I checked my heart rate again in a little bit. 131. WTF?!?!? Really?!?!? I made things more difficult & my heart rate didn't increase much & I wasn't struggling. Then it occurred to me......Doing C25K, even minimally, as in, I'm still doing week 1, two to three times per week is making a difference. That's when it occurred to me.

On Friday, Ashley was feeling better so we went to do C25K. I decided to push myself & set the speed on the treadmill at 4.0. A speed of 4.0 is really that fast but it was a big deal for me. I have never ever set the speed that fast before!!! I've never really been higher than 3.8. Now I set it at 4.0 & planned to "run"???? What is going on?? Well, I did it & successfully at that. I'm pretty darn proud of myself!!!

What did I really realize? That small amounts of exercise are good for you. I've cut back some because of the holidays but, like I said before, Ashley & I do C25K two to three times per week along with 5 minutes of Zumba once a week. By no means gung ho but not sedentary either. So, with that, let me stand on my soap box for a minute:

Get out & move!! Do SOMETHING!! It's good for you!! You can commit to 20 minutes for at least 3 times per week!!!

So, Friday I was on such a high after 2 awesome cardio days and something very important occurred to me.....

I. Am. Strong.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Let me say it again....ugh....UGH!!!!!

People: Cookies are NOT a food group. I have to be reminded of that. Well, I've been reminding myself of that as I'm eating the cookies. I spent the last 3 days baking: Russian Tea Cakes, Raspberry Tea Cookies & Cut Out Cookies with frosting. All 3 are very delicious. Yesterday was an all cookie day. Monday was some raw cookie dough, warm cut outs out of the oven, cut outs after they were frosted.....I wish they didn't taste so damn good!!! Please note that the only reason I have so many cookies is because they are to be gifts & something to take when I go to someone's house, so I'm not empty handed. I don't want to seem ungrateful.

I've been eating way too many carbs. I'm not one of those people who omits carbs, I just don't usually eat the refined ones. Lately, it's all I seem to consume. I have a perpetual headache, I can't keep my eyes open & my mood hasn't been so great but it's what I can afford. I'm really going to have to sit down & figure out a more cost effective way to eat better on such a tight budget. Any tips would be welcome & much appreciated!!!

I know my eating is affecting my mood. I don't want to do anything, even more so than before. On Monday, I cancelled the Y with my friend because I just didn't feel like going, then I changed my mind & decided to go after I read an e-mail I got. I got my Eat Clean Diet Newsletter. The subject was: 10 Surprising Reasons to Get to the Gym. Although I included the link, I'm going to post the reasons, just in case you don't have time to surf the interweb.

1. Decrease your risk of heart disease through exercise by increasing blood flow around the heart and raising your level of HDL (or “good”) cholesterol. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for North American women, so get active to avoid becoming a statistic!

2. Exercise boosts your immune system response by producing cells that attack bacteria, so you don’t have to fear cold and flu season.

3. Endorphins produced by physical activity have been shown to effectively improve your mood and decrease incidences of depression. Exercise is important not only for your physical health, but also for your mental wellbeing!

4. Your lung capacity can increase with regular exercise, so workouts are important if you suffer from breathing difficulties or conditions such as asthma.

5. Ladies, listen up – exercise can reduce your risk of breast cancer by up to 60%! Since many breast tumors thrive on estrogen, and estrogen can be stored in body fat, reducing the amount of fat your body stores will help protect you.

6. Exercise alleviates menstrual cramps, so hop on the treadmill next time you’re feeling discomfort.

7. A combination of exercise, proper nutrition and hydration helps improve digestive health and keeps things moving in the right direction. So if you work out regularly and follow the Eat-Clean Diet® principles your colon will thank you!

8. Regular strength training promotes more efficient transportation of calcium through your system, which means stronger bones and a decreased risk of osteoporosis!

9. Reduce your likelihood of developing joint pain with some cardio: aerobic exercise can thicken cartilage in your joints, which then acts as a cushion to prevent pain from wear and tear.

10. Last but not least, and a cause very dear to me – exercise can reduce your risk of diabetes. Exercise causes the body to process glucose faster, which lowers blood sugar and improves insulin sensitivity, so people with type 2 diabetes can benefit from a regular exercise routine.

Reason #3 is why I changed my mind. I struggled through my "run", but did it. A little later on I asked my friend Ashley to remind me about how good I feel & how my mood is after I go should I say I want to cancel. There really are a lot of health benefits to exercising. Now for the eating.....

I'm really excited to be starting WW again. I need the structure & figure since I'm not working, I can really devote the time. Jay asked if I was starting the first of the year. I can't wait that long. My start day will be 12/27. I just can't wait!!! I will be sharing my journey with you, did you think I wouldn't?

Now, I gotta go grab a cookie.....


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Nervous Excitement

So as I mentioned the other day, my Christmas present from my mom is 3 months of Weight Watchers (WW) online. I'm pretty excited over it, but also nervous.

I asked Leah (I feel I don't need to mention she's my friend, I've included her in here enough that you all should know) the other day on FB how she gets past temptation. She told me she's not the best person to ask because she gives in. She said she also plans ahead. Hmmmm.....sounds like she was the perfect person for me to ask. From what I remember about WW is that no food is offer limits you just plan & account for it.

I am worried about not staying on program. I know I am the one who controls that too. Maybe the fact that I'm not working will help. I can devote the time to plan & account for everything. My weeks always started out well while I was working, but then as I was busy at work, tired at night, the planning fell short as the week went on. I suppose we will see how it goes. I suppose I will be accountable to all 17 readers.....

It helps to know I have 3 people available, that are also working WW that I can confer with, share recipes, get support from.....I'm really looking forward to it.

I suppose I'm more excited than I am nervous. I will be planning the day after Christmas to start that Monday on 12/27. Just 20 short days away!!!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Present from my Mom

I know I haven't written here in a bit. I haven't had much valuable to contribute. As I've written about on my other blog, I'm in a real funk. It's become very hard to stay positive & see the light at the end of the tunnel when I don't have a job. I try & some days it's hard, lately, it's been more difficult than usual.

My exercise is still a bit toned down. Ashley & I have been keeping up with C25K. We're still on week 1, but who cares, we still at least are working that program. We also are still doing Zumba. I was really hoping that we'd have new Zumba stuff, but we are still doing the same moves from the first session, which is a little disappointing. I'm looking forward to when Hip Hop starts because that will be different.

My mom has been asking me what I want for Christmas. I have been telling her nothing. She's been very helpful & generous to me always, but more so since I've lost my job. I didn't feel I deserved a Christmas present. Well, last night I was talking with my friend "Annie", who has had great success on WW (Weight Watchers) losing 12 pounds!!! I also know my friend Leah has also had success with WW & I believe she reached her 10%. You go girls!!!!! I have yet to hear or read anything from Leah about the new points system that WW has just announced. It's been "in effect" for almost a week. Lastly, I'm going to share another very inspirational blog, someone who just recently reached LIFETIME with WW. Leah actually shared this with me & I've shared it with some people. I went back to the beginning & read all of her posts. If you've ever read my blog & feel like you understand because you identify with me, well, you will love Bitchcakes. Trust me. While I don't know her personally, we have had a couple of exchanges on Twitter (you can follow me @emscibilia) and just such an inspiration. Thanks Leah for sharing her blog with me!! I may have mentioned that I did WW some time ago. When I worked the program I did lose about 50 pounds on it. Since then I've gained about 20 back. Such is life.

Anyway, my mom has been asking me what I want. I've asked for her to pay for 3 months of WW online for me as my Christmas present. I'm going to do my best to eat real foods & share my progress, whatever it is with you. So, on Christmas day, I will be signing up!!! I'm actually excited. Eating & controlling portions has always been the most difficult for me. When I tell you I exercise like a fiend, I do. I love it. It's just putting it all together. Eating provides comfort for me & since losing my job, I've sought a little more comfort than usual. I think I might need to make some signs to hang in my kitchen that FOOD IS JUST THE FUEL MY BODY NEEDS TO WORK. I get it, I can say it, but sometimes I don't believe it. Sometimes I believe food will make me happy. Yeah, I know, it does for about a minute, then guilt sets in, I feel like poo & the cycle starts all over again. I'm a food coper just like there are people who cope with drugs or alcohol.

Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you.

Have a lovely Saturday everyone!!!!