Sunday, February 21, 2010

First Day Jitters

This is my first day "on the job" so to speak, of blogging. I've decided to blog about my healthy lifestyle choices. This will include my struggles, my successes, my weaknesses, my strengths and everything in between. This is mainly for my accountability to myself. Putting myself out there.

My plan is to work at living a "clean" lifestyle by following clean eating habits. I will detail what clean eating is in another blog. In my plan I will include recipes, tips, pictures & anything else I think will be informative. I'd also like to show that eating healthy unprocessed foods is doable in my busy life style. That it can be a matter of convenience.

Also in my plan I will include my exercise regimen. I've got a lot going on. Most things will include humor because without it I would never get through life. Sometimes this blog may not even be about eating or exercise, but that can happen with me.

I read a lot of informative "stuff" and will share what I think is valuable. Things we can all carry with us. My first tip/suggestion will be coming shortly.

I encourage all kinds of sharing. Recipes, exercise tips, positive encouragement, you name it. We are all in this world together with our paths crossing, running parallel, diverting & coming back together. With the people I have in my life, I would like to spend as much time with them as possible, starting with getting on the healthy track, hence where my blog comes in.

Ok, so my first tip. I'm pretty sure it comes from my days as a Weight Watcher (WW). While a great plan, it's very hard for me to stick to, with all that points counting. I did lose 60 pounds only to gain about 25 back, not WW's fault, my own. My leader, Wendy, was such an awesome leader. She is an amazing person that I adore dearly as we have become friends outside of WW. Wendy has such a great outlook on life. In our meetings she would always say to keep trying. Which I have taken upon myself to keep trying. Every day is a new day. Wake up & try. So every day I do. I start every day eating a healthy breakfast. Some days it includes a healthy lunch, snacks & dinner. Some days it's just breakfast. But I try every day. It's the best I can do. So start every day trying. One day I know it will all catch up & come together.




  1. Nice and well written. Best of luck with it! <3

  2. I think this is great. I always wanted to blog but didn't know where to start and apparently didn't want it bad enough or I would have figured it out. I did however start being accountable in a similar way; I started writing in thi pretty blue dragonfly journal. I encourage my husband to read it but he doesn't.

    I think you are great and I miss you.

  3. I can't wait to see more! Maybe you can help me keep on track!

  4. What a great idea! Love it! Can't wait to read more. :-)

  5. yay! I'm happy you started this & I'm really looking forward to reading and learning.

    p.s.You're a pretty great writer. :)
