Sunday, June 13, 2010


Today was my 5K, the Run for Jordan. I didn't get much sleep, I had a lot of anxiety. I set 2 alarms in case the power went out. It made me giggle because it made me think of that Seinfeld episode but I digress. I got up this morning & had a yummy breakfast of organic raisin bran. It was humid as hell out, still is.

There were a lot of people there. A lot more signed up than anticipated. I met up with my race mates: Heather, Jeremy, Elysia, CJ & Katie. They were all going to run. Jeremy was on the track team in High School & still continues to run. After we met up we went to check in & get our numbers. Mine was #199. I will always keep that number. It's my first race number.

The start was delayed because of the amount of people & we still didn't know the race route. It's probably good I didn't know the race route because I more than likely would have backed out. As we started, there was a hill. Joy. As we kept going, there was another hill. Great. I'm trucking along at a good walking pace & then there was this steep muther effer of a hill. WTH???? It was the kind of hill you lean forward to walk up. Again, WTH???? I got to the top, gasping for air & probably wheezing too but kept on moving. I had my music to keep me moving. I kept right on.

Just before the 2nd mile marker I saw a familiar biker watching the racers. It was Jay :) He drove home early from upstate just for my 5K. I ran to give him a quick kiss on the cheek, I didn't want to stop, I wouldn't have finished. So he went to the finish line to wait for me. As I was going along, Jeremy found me & walked with me for a second, that was nice too. I kept moving.

As I got back toward the high school, there were more hills. WTFH???? As I got to the race track to finish the last leg & to make sure my legs were attached to my body because I could no longer feel them, Elysia & Heather met me, with water. My wonderful friends. They walked with me to just before the finish line then I crossed it on my own. Everyone saw me do it. 53:53 that was my time. I set two goals, ones I deemed attainable. To finish in under an hour & not to be the last person to finish the entire thing. I accomplished both.

I'm pretty happy with myself. I'm happy I had people I love very much there with me. I've decided to do another 5K. I'm going to do the Christmas in August 5K. If anyone would like to join me, feel free, the registration info can be found through the link.

I have to pick some more goals before the next one. I have to think about it some. I think this might have been the boost to my confidence I needed. I've been doing some thinking on why my confidence has been low. I think I've figured out why & it has to do with me. Anyway....

It's nap time now. It's started to rain, it's gray & I'm a happy girl.



1 comment:

  1. I am SO proud of you! Hill after hill after hill - you go girl!
