Thursday, June 24, 2010

Oi, I'm such a procrastinator

Well, at least I think I am. Would I be considered a procrastinator if I were to admit that when I become overwhelmed with a lot of things to do, I just don't want to do "stuff" like take the time to meal plan, exercise or even work at my job?

I've been doing a lot of work to prepare for my week of vacation. It's causing me to have anxiety for a lot of reasons. Some I can't divulge at the moment but I can tell you that my job duties are ones others don't do or can't be bothered with, which means they don't want to know how to do them. That causes me stress. This stress is giving me spasms in my back. Anyway.....I digress.....

I'm not focused on work, because I can't. Because of forces at work causing me to shutdown slightly, because I'm leaving on vacation & I have a bunch of stuff to do, because of "stuff". So I was tooling around on the Shape website & I found a fun tool. Well, fun to me & most likely my friend Amy. Amy, MY friend I met at Nautilus......we used to "ride" the exercise bikes to Dairy Queen & we made sure we waved & said "hello" to everyone who walked into the gym. The happy memories I have of my times with Amy.....a few times we actually went to DQ after the gym or instead of the gym but shhhhhhh don't tell anyone!

Ok, back from my digression, again, years ago I read a little tidbit in either Shape or Fitness about a woman runner & what she would have to do to work off a jelly donut. The article said she typically ran about an hour a day, in general but in order for her to eat that jelly donut, she's have to run another hour, just to eat the jelly donut. WOW!!! Let me give you another scenario: On a good day, an hour on the elliptical I can burn roughly 800 calories. A plain bagel (NY/NJ style, not those little frozen Lender's Bagels) can roughly be 600 calories. That is also before you add the HUGE schmear of cream cheese. So if I wanted a bagel, I'd have to do about 45 minutes more on the elliptical, after I did an hour. Needless to say I don't really eat bagels anymore. I can't tell you the last time I had one. It's just not worth the extra work, carbs, processed flour etc. Amy loved to figure out of something was worth eating. Oddly, I like to figure out the work I would need to do to burn off whatever too.

For those of you who are curious about certain foods & the effort needed to negate it I have a fun tool!! Yes, FUN!!! Shape has a tool called: What does it take to burn it off? Just click on the title & go have some fun!!! I'd be curious to know what kind of work you would have to do!! It does break everything down by type of exercise & your weight, which makes it a little more accurate. Sadly, thinner people have to work harder than heavier people to burn the same amount of calories.

I will be on vacation next week. I'm heading to Middle America.....Kansas City, MO to spend some time with my mom. I will be having the delicacies of Waffle House, BBQ & anything else localized to the Midwest. Remember, I'm human & I enjoy life. While my eating will not be perfect, it will not be gross either. Moderation & I'm going to try it out. Hopefully I will have an epiphany about food or something while I'm there to blog some for you all!!

Enjoy the calorie burning tool!! I really do welcome everyone to share their results if they try it out!!! If you do share please post the food, exercise chosen & how long it would take you to burn it!!! Could be inspirational for others!!!



1 comment:

  1. My first choice would have been pancakes but since it wasn't on the list, I chose a cheeseburger. I'd have to walk 2.5 hrs!
