Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Nervous Excitement

So as I mentioned the other day, my Christmas present from my mom is 3 months of Weight Watchers (WW) online. I'm pretty excited over it, but also nervous.

I asked Leah (I feel I don't need to mention she's my friend, I've included her in here enough that you all should know) the other day on FB how she gets past temptation. She told me she's not the best person to ask because she gives in. She said she also plans ahead. Hmmmm.....sounds like she was the perfect person for me to ask. From what I remember about WW is that no food is offer limits you just plan & account for it.

I am worried about not staying on program. I know I am the one who controls that too. Maybe the fact that I'm not working will help. I can devote the time to plan & account for everything. My weeks always started out well while I was working, but then as I was busy at work, tired at night, the planning fell short as the week went on. I suppose we will see how it goes. I suppose I will be accountable to all 17 readers.....

It helps to know I have 3 people available, that are also working WW that I can confer with, share recipes, get support from.....I'm really looking forward to it.

I suppose I'm more excited than I am nervous. I will be planning the day after Christmas to start that Monday on 12/27. Just 20 short days away!!!!


  1. I'm so happy that you're joining! Your excitement makes me feel excited about it again, I'm really looking forward to seeing your progress.

    and.....you really can give into your temptations with WW. If you're craving a slice of cake-eat a SLICE of cake. Just not the entire thing (which I can totally do!!--lol)
