Thursday, December 30, 2010

My sweet potato is in the oven & other random bits....

I was very ambitious this morning. I'm feeling great. It's probably because I stopped the all cookie diet I was on. I haven't woken up with a sugar headache in 4 days, which is a really good thing. I gave Jay the last of my cutout cookies so I would not be tempted to eat (inhale) them. They are just too good to throw out. They are gone & I'm happy.....& a little sad.

This morning I went to the Y to do my C25K. I made a play list, which I thought was great. I don't think so anymore. It's too hard for me to keep a pace with the music. Each song isn't quite the same beats per minute (bpm) and I change my pace, faster or slower, to maintain a rhythm. I think it makes me burn out quicker. I've been loving the Girl Talk - All Day mix that was made. I am no where near the pace of the music, but it's consistent, which helps me. I know I will get there eventually....

Anyway, after the "run", I got on the elliptical for 35 minutes, making my total cardio 60 minutes. Yes, I've earned the nap I am about to take!! I listened to only 3 songs that I recently got while on the elliptical. I change/keep pace to them. They aren't "new" songs, just new to me. I like them because they make me want to move. I've also been putting these songs on to do my planks & abdominal work when I get home. I'm lucky to have a boyfriend who made me a 6lb & 9lb weighted bars like you see at the gym. We checked out prices on them in Dick's Sporting Goods & because of his craft he saved me about $60!!!! They are "Teeth" by Lady Gaga, "Not Myself Tonight" & "Woohoo" by Christina Aguilera. I have added the videos so you can hear them for yourself. Please note that there hasn't been a video released for Woohoo, so I did the best I could! Let me know what you think about the music!! I've been dancing around my apartment listening to them!!

So, as I mentioned Monday, I got On Program (OP) with Weight Watchers (WW). I've done well. I had to have a mid week weigh because I'm an every day weigher. I've been trying not to. I will only be sharing my progress weekly. Just know that it's going awesome so far!! I've accounted for everything & have felt completely satisfied. Please note that a banana with Nutella is DIVINE!!!! I've even been planning ahead for Friday night, which is New Years Eve so that I don't have to feel deprived. I will be making a WW appetizer to bring with me to my friend's house, who is also doing WW. If it's good, I will share it!!!

On Monday, something was said, that maybe I took to heart a little too much. The comment in itself was snarky & I responded & ironically was told I didn't need to "get snarky". Yeah, several of my friends & I are doing WW. No, no food is off limits. It's all about choices. Less than 12 hours of trying to make a lifestyle change is not exactly when I want to hear someones sarcasm. Obviously it's still bothering me because today is Thursday. Probably because it's my nature to hold on to things & not let them go. I pretty much can remember most of all the things ever said to me that have bothered me. I remember where I was, who said them & when they were said. Anyway......I'm trying hard to work through it and that process seems to be rather slow. And no, I don't talk to people when something they did or said bothered me. That is something I am still working on. Usually I just hold everything in & hide behind a smile & pretend everything is fine. Maybe this is small progress in that area because I've shared it instead of keeping it inside?

I can smell a sweet potato I've been baking for my snack & I can't wait to eat the hot & sweet goodness!! I'm so excited for it!!!

Check back Monday when I tell you how my first week back on WW went!!! It's going to be exciting!!!

Be safe & Have a Happy New Year!!!!

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