Saturday, December 4, 2010

Present from my Mom

I know I haven't written here in a bit. I haven't had much valuable to contribute. As I've written about on my other blog, I'm in a real funk. It's become very hard to stay positive & see the light at the end of the tunnel when I don't have a job. I try & some days it's hard, lately, it's been more difficult than usual.

My exercise is still a bit toned down. Ashley & I have been keeping up with C25K. We're still on week 1, but who cares, we still at least are working that program. We also are still doing Zumba. I was really hoping that we'd have new Zumba stuff, but we are still doing the same moves from the first session, which is a little disappointing. I'm looking forward to when Hip Hop starts because that will be different.

My mom has been asking me what I want for Christmas. I have been telling her nothing. She's been very helpful & generous to me always, but more so since I've lost my job. I didn't feel I deserved a Christmas present. Well, last night I was talking with my friend "Annie", who has had great success on WW (Weight Watchers) losing 12 pounds!!! I also know my friend Leah has also had success with WW & I believe she reached her 10%. You go girls!!!!! I have yet to hear or read anything from Leah about the new points system that WW has just announced. It's been "in effect" for almost a week. Lastly, I'm going to share another very inspirational blog, someone who just recently reached LIFETIME with WW. Leah actually shared this with me & I've shared it with some people. I went back to the beginning & read all of her posts. If you've ever read my blog & feel like you understand because you identify with me, well, you will love Bitchcakes. Trust me. While I don't know her personally, we have had a couple of exchanges on Twitter (you can follow me @emscibilia) and just such an inspiration. Thanks Leah for sharing her blog with me!! I may have mentioned that I did WW some time ago. When I worked the program I did lose about 50 pounds on it. Since then I've gained about 20 back. Such is life.

Anyway, my mom has been asking me what I want. I've asked for her to pay for 3 months of WW online for me as my Christmas present. I'm going to do my best to eat real foods & share my progress, whatever it is with you. So, on Christmas day, I will be signing up!!! I'm actually excited. Eating & controlling portions has always been the most difficult for me. When I tell you I exercise like a fiend, I do. I love it. It's just putting it all together. Eating provides comfort for me & since losing my job, I've sought a little more comfort than usual. I think I might need to make some signs to hang in my kitchen that FOOD IS JUST THE FUEL MY BODY NEEDS TO WORK. I get it, I can say it, but sometimes I don't believe it. Sometimes I believe food will make me happy. Yeah, I know, it does for about a minute, then guilt sets in, I feel like poo & the cycle starts all over again. I'm a food coper just like there are people who cope with drugs or alcohol.

Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you.

Have a lovely Saturday everyone!!!!

1 comment:

  1. just a thought if you are working out at home-you can google zumba and it gives a bunch of you tube links-I havent had anyworkout time the past couple years and am just now starting up again. Anyway, when I am bored of the treadmill, I do scroll through and find some variety through google and you tube, good luck! :)
