Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wheel of Cheese....and Cake

Yes, I missed my Monday post.  My weight was up .8lbs, which I didn't think was so bad.  I'm thinking this Monday to come it will be up a whole 8lbs.  Here's why.....

Last week was my birthday week and I really didn't feel like celebrating.  For a lot of reasons.  So the week & few days before my birthday (figure about 10 days) I hit the processed foods hard.  Chips.  Love them.  Saturday I had a wedding to go to, which was lovely.  The wedding & reception itself was lovely but there was a lot of cheese which was also lovely.  Yummy, delicious salty cheese.  It's pretty much what I ate the whole time.  I like cheese, what can I say.  I've been bloated from my food choices for about 2 weeks.  Do I know how to do it or what?

On Thursday, I baked my birthday cake.  I've been by myself since the evening of that day & pretty much have enjoyed nothing but cake & chips & cheese.  The 3 C's.  I'm sure that my food choices are strongly reflective of things that have me stressed & what do I do?  I emotionally eat.  Food is my drug of choice.  Oddly though, I know exactly WHAT the things are that are stressing me and when I choose not to deal with it, I try to suppress it with food.  Yes, I know that isn't good.  That's why I called Seth to see if I could see him to talk it out.  I will be seeing him this Thursday and I can't wait.

Pretty much everyone knows I've been unemployed going on 9 months.  I'm my worst enemy.  I do nothing but think about money, will I have enough, current things that are on my mind, past things I can't do nothing about, my crazy new neighbor, you name it, it's on my mind.

I will be alone the next 5 days so I have time to compile all the things that I need to talk about for Seth.  It will be good for me to go.  I don't want to talk about some of the things with my friends, I don't really care for their opinions.  They just make me feel worse.  I've gone back to my practice of holding things in & just pretending everything is ok. 

I know I need to exercise more than the whole C25K thing.  I just haven't felt it.  Probably because I'm all bloated up from chips & cheese hahaha!

Everything isn't all bad though.  I'm a new volunteer at my YMCA.  I will be greeting members (new & established) in the Wellness Center, seeing if they need help or would like a free orientation with a trainer.  A lot of people don't know that they can take advantage of that free orientation.  I start this Tuesday.  I'm looking forward to it.  When I was doing my interview, I found out that Zumba is now offered to those who receive financial aid from the Y at a discount.  That means I can take Zumba for a lower price.  I'm excited about that & will be starting Zumba this week.

I've had a bit of a business idea.  I talked about it with a friend from high school who gave me the idea how to start it free to see if I like it & if I can get a following.  I'm calling it Friendly Stranger & if you click on the name, you can check it out.  I had the idea of "talking" to others, offering help anonymously.  I have been lucky to have my own therapist (Seth) but not everything has that ability.  Sometimes we can't talk to friends or family.  I have been "blessed" with the ability of people telling me their life stories within minutes of meeting them.  So I set something up.  Please check it out & pass it along to someone you think could benefit from it.
That's what is going on with me.  Monday starts a new week & I'm planning to be focused.  I really need to be.  There is a possibility I will have some major changes and I need to be prepared.


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