Monday, April 4, 2011

Good Start

I think my life is missing some things. First, I'm missing another 3.8lbs making my total loss 13.9 lbs. It would have been more this week but there was brownie ice cream pie (2 slices) & those damn coconut clusters. What can I say, I'm weak for certain foods! I really enjoyed the podcasts for the C25K program. It is making things much easier. I am going to do Week 3 again, to build my confidence. I'm also really really really really really really really really scared of Week 4. Week 4 has 5 minute long jogs. I just did 3 minute jogs for the first time in my life ever. I'm not quite ready to take on more.....just yet. I'm missing the structure of a job in my life. I spend way too much time thinking about things. It's really all I do. Tomorrow will be 8 months that I've been unemployed (and reassured by the Career Center that 8 months is nothing compared to the 2+ years others have been unemployed). I hope it isn't much longer. I may drive myself crazy. I sit & think about things said to me, how I reacted, how I should have reacted, how I'm afraid to discuss things with some people, you name it, during the course of a day, it goes through my mind. I know I am my own worst enemy. I truly do have some things to think about because I am unhappy about some particular stuff, but the rest is just mind clutter. Anyway.... This week is also off to a good start. I'm on track & that is a good thing. Have a great week! :)

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