Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sunshine on my face

So as I mentioned before, I decided that I'm going to focus on wogging (walk/jogging) & get really good at that without concerning myself with the classes. It was just way too much. I decided to take my ambitions outside because it's starting to get nice here. I have my running play lists that I made for my iPod & I have my watch for timing myself. That's how the C25K program works. It's a 9 week program designed to get you running a 5K in 9 weeks. I have some doubts for myself. I've never been a runner. Ever. It's hard for me & I keep trying. I decided for outside, to actually download the FREE podcasts itunes has for your iPod for the C25K program done by Robert Ullrey. I took the time to get all 9 weeks. I've already completed Weeks 1 & 2 several times over the last 3 months (like I said, I'm not a runner, it's very hard for me) & would be starting on Week 3. Every time I've tried the C25K program I've never gotten to Week 3. I always stopped. So the fact that I was starting Week 3 is huge for me. So I start listening to the podcast as I'm out there with my friend Elysia. She also has the C25K podcasts too. The way Week 3 is structured you walk briskly for 5 minutes as a warm up then you jog 90 seconds, walk 90 seconds, jog 3 minutes, walk 3 minutes, jog 90 seconds, walk 90 seconds, jog 3 minutes & then you walk another 5 to cool down. 3 minutes of jogging. I was already ready to quit. I didn't know how I was going to do it. One foot in front of the other I guess. Anyway, I'm listening & the music isn't exactly to my liking. Think Erotic Spa music. I'm walking along & Robert comes on & tells you to get ready because your first jog is coming up & when to start. So I start. Then he tells me to walk. Then to jog and so on. Wow!!! For me, it made the process much easier. I didn't have to watch the timer on the treadmill because let me tell you, any amount of seconds of running feel like FOREVER when you're on the treadmill. I didn't have to watch the timer, pay attention to my stride & my breathing. I only had to pay attention to my stride & breathing. It was so much easier for me. Well, the first day it was very breezy & it seemed like I was jogging up hill into the wind but I did it. Which, the treadmill doesn't have hills. As I told my friend Amy, you know Amy, the triathlete, before I even jogged outside that the hills would be my friend because they are what is going to make my ass look good. I've decided that the podcasts are what is going to help me be successful with this whole running thing. Having never run before, I have to develop the skill. If I just worry about my breathing & stride & someone else watches the time for me, that is a huge help. I can follow along until I become stronger & more confident. The podcasts are such a great learning tool. If you'd like to get them for yourself you can click here and just read up to get them. If you want to read up about C25K you can go here, you can even print the running plan. I'm actually excited & want to get really good at this. It finally feels like something I can do, in my own time, as long as I keep trying. Life is a journey, right?? In other news, I was doing awesome tracking & counting my points. Yesterday was awesome (I was also down 3.8lbs since my Monday weigh in, all that fiber.....) until I got my delivery of Gertrude Hawk Toasted Coconut Clusters. I haven't tracked a single one. Bad, bad Elizabeth. They are my most favorite coconut clusters, ever. I only get them once a year. They also complimented my breakfast nicely this morning!!! Hahaha, anyway, the rest of the day is available to be on track & I have a big pot of Lentil Soup simmering away on the stove. I am going to be adding the recipe to my WW so I can figure out the points for it. Saturday is my next planned jogging day. I'm really glad I decided to start doing this outside. I felt strong & healthy & it was great to have the sunshine on my face. :)

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