Monday, March 21, 2011


I'm up 3.7lbs. Could it be the monthly womanly thing?? Could it be the corned beef & cabbage dinner (SALT)??? Could it be the chips, pretzels & cookies I had again this week??? Maybe it's a combo.

I am at a point where money is so tight that I am going to have to start choosing, not budgeting, what I get. This might sound weird but when I stop at the store to get bananas or some other fruit, I pick something else on it & then end up binging. I think this is happening for a couple of reasons: I don't want to have to limit my budget. The worst/most striking observation is I have this fear of having nothing so I have to have it all, now. I'm pretty sure that is why I have been having trouble the last couple of weeks.


If anyone has EXTREME budget tips they can offer me I welcome every single one of them. If you don't want to post them as a comment, you can send it to me in an e-mail. Since I haven't figured out how to create a link to post my email right to the blog you can get it by viewing my complete profile.

Now that I'm aware of what the problem is, I will be more conscious of it. I have to. We will see how this week goes....



  1. Elizabeth, I'm kind of in the same boat. I used to spend so much money on groceries and I have scaled way back. It means eating cereal for dinner some nights, but I'm okay with that. :) I've done a few things to limit my budget: I cut way back on meat, in fact, I don't even remember the last time I actually bought meat. I could never be a vegetarian bc I'd get too hungry, so I supplement meat with heartier and cheaper alternatives: lentils, sweet potatoes, beans, bulgar and quinoa and now tofu (i have a great recipe for tofu tacos if you want it! so cheap and fast!). I also try to make meals that will last me a few days, and when I shop for produce, I only buy produce that's on sale which forces me to then come home and figure out what to make with them.

  2. Yes!! I would love that recipe, please!! Thank you! I have bulgar & quinoa in my cabinet, it's just coming up with something, some days I don't feel creative. Thanks for the tips!!

  3. I hear ya...I KNOW that food cost is the most variable $# in my budget, but I just feel better when I spend more on more, good food. I do have a lot of budgeting & meal planning tools & tips though.You have inspired me once again Elizabeth, to be more conscious of how much I spend on food.
