Thursday, March 24, 2011


As I mentioned, I made a pact with my friend Leah. I have to apologize to her. I haven't been good at keeping the pact. I set myself up for failure.

She left me a comment: I don't know how you can run & do the cardio sculpt and all that crazy intense stuff you do - - You're like Wonder Woman!!!

I can't do all of that stuff. It was too much, way too much. I was left unable to form words & able to keep my eyes open. Really. Then I didn't want to do anything because I couldn't do it all. So I didn't do anything. I haven't done anything. What a moron I can be. I can't do everything, so I won't do anything. Who gets the Asshole Award this week?? I do!!!

Then I tweeted I was scared to try W3D1 of the C25K program, because I am. There will be 3 straight minutes of jogging twice within a 25 minute period. Add in 90 seconds of jogging as well. THAT I know I can do. But 3 minutes? No effing way!! My friend Amy, the triathlete, tweeted in response: Keep trying. Keep showing up. If it were easy everyone would do it. The hard part is what makes you stronger in many ways.

Of course I responded that I'm disappointed in myself. Amy told me to try to avoid disappointment, that I have a certain focus & that my energy is in run right now & I should own it. Well, I'm owning it.

At this moment in time I can't be successful at running & classes. I have to pick one thing & be good at that before moving on to something else. I've chosen the whole running thing for a couple of reasons. First, the classes are during the day which means if/when I get a job, I will have to stop taking them. Second, the running I can do anytime anywhere. Third, I've been trying this whole running thing longer than taking the classes, so I am going to stick with what I started first & get really good at it.

Twice this week, friends, childhood friends, Heather & Amy both told me I am awesome. They are pretty awesome themselves. Leah thinks I'm Wonder Woman. Maybe I should try seeing myself as others see me instead of seeing myself the way I typically do. I bet I might be more successful at running, eating right, being healthy. It's time to start formulating different thoughts in my head & believing them.

I'm lucky to have such smart, great, wonderful & awesome people in my life. I think things would a whole lot worse if I didn't.

Awesomely yours,


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