Friday, March 4, 2011


Well, fiber & I are still battling. I had delicious homemade mashed potatoes with dinner tonight, the only food item all week I haven't accounted for. They were soooo good too.....yum!!!

I survived 3 classes at the Y. Two Cardio Pump classes & Triple Threat today. I had an epiphany during the agility portion of today's class: I can't wait to keep taking this to see how far I can improve. Yes. That's right. I said it. I'm looking forward to developing more strength & stamina to use heavier weights, higher steps & bands with more tension. I've really enjoyed the classes this week.

I spoke with the teacher today, her name is Patti. She taught the Cardio Pump class I took last Sunday. She teaches a Cardio Step class on Monday's & Wednesday's. One of the sections we did today, cardio (see the class gets broken down into 10 activities & chosen by class members, it's different every week) was a step routine that everyone else knew. After class she told me they had been working on it for a few weeks in the Cardio Step class. I didn't even try it. There was a good chance I would have busted my ass & it wouldn't have been pretty. Anyway, she invited me to come to the Cardio Step this Monday. She said it's the last day for this routine & on 3/14 they will be starting a new one. I think I'm going to have to join in.

Now I have a PSA. If you have a YMCA near you please consider checking it out & possibly becoming a member. The people I have met & talked with are wonderful. There are a lot of great programs & activities to be a part of. I was a member of a gym. For the same price I get a lot more at the YMCA. It's just a much better experience & I couldn't be happier.


1 comment:

  1. Wow-you're so active, that's great!
    I agree with you about the Y, I loved the 'community' part of it when I belonged.
