Monday, February 28, 2011

Fiber, My Frenemy

Yes, I said it. Fiber is my FRENEMY. Why? Because when I have my servings of fruits & vegetables and my water, it wreaks havoc on my intestines. I should be thankful the plumbing, in my house & me is working properly.

I'm sore after Cardio Pump yesterday. The good kind of sore. I will be taking it again in the more & I'm really looking forward to it.

Oh a good note, my weigh in today has me down 1.7lbs, which I'm pleased about. Like I said, I had a much better week. So far, today has been great food wise. I'm sure after all the fiber I've had & the amount of times I've been in the bathroom this evening I'm probably down even more. HAHAHA

Here's to a great day today!!


1 comment:

  1. WTG on your loss!
    Fiber is the key they say-to feeling full & to keeping clean :) I hope you guys can agree to live in harmony. haha.
