Sunday, March 6, 2011

Salty Goodness

It's no secret I have a love of all things salty. I love chips, cheese, crackers, popcorn, hot sauce, dips you name it. Some where during this week, I found a salt lick & it's now resting in my body. I have gone through my food tracker, because I tracked really well this week but I can't quite determine where it's from.

I had a good week tracking & eating this week, so I shouldn't be up by the pounds (yes, I said pounds) that I am showing. I have been drinking my water but not expelling it, apparently. I feel dehydrated, my tongue feels huge & I feel the cramps in my feet. I couldn't possibly have had THAT much salt to feel that way. I think it has to do with the classes I've taken.

I've consistently had muscle soreness since last Sunday. I love the classes because they incorporate strength training. My soreness hasn't been to the point of me walking like Frankenstein, just discomfort and not unbearable.

I know, from my many conversations with Donna, that as muscles repair themselves they will hold onto water. So add that to my love of salt & there is where my gain is coming from.

I'm not concerned about it. I know that if I keep tracking & exercising it will all balance itself out.

Onward & upward!!!


1 comment:

  1. That's interesting to know about muscles holding on to water as they repair, I never knew that!

    I have a huge problem with salt,'s so frustrating to weigh yourself after you've eaten something salty.bah..

    It WILL balance itself out!
