Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I'm a runner now

This week has been a great week. It's been the busiest work week so far. I'm in a good place mentally, even after the visit from the crazy emotional lady who lives in my head. I managed to beat her down, didn't use food either. Go me!!!

On Sunday morning I was up early starting to plan my day. I decided to take a walk. So I got ready to go, grabbed my headphones & went to Hardyston Park around the corner from me. It was a tad cool out but the sun was full & bright. I parked my car, got out & headed to the path. Got my play list ready to go & pumped the tunes. As I started my walk I started having a talk with myself. I reminded myself that when Donna convinced me I could do the cross trainer I didn't believe her. She promised me I could do it & would do it with me. I couldn't do 2 minutes. Honest. I thought my lungs were on fire. My calves hurt & I'm pretty sure you could see my heart pounding in my chest. I told Donna I hated it & was never doing it again. Yeah right. I found it as a challenge. So I set little mini goals for myself. At my peak exercise performance I could do 90 minutes on the cross trainer AFTER doing a full body lift for an hour. I had become one of "those" people. You know, a gym rat.

Anyway, as I was walking & talking to myself I came to realize I am capable.....of anything I want. I wanted to run. So I decided at that moment I was capable of running. Sure, I shattered my right ankle & broke 3 toes 9 years ago & my doctor told me that weight bearing activity would not be ideal for me. Hell, at 27 I was told an ankle replacement would be beneficial but no one would do it because of my age. But I wanted to run. So I did.

It wasn't far. I picked a starting point & finishing point & started a slow jog. I DID IT!!!! Granted, it wasn't far but I did it. I walked 2 complete laps (with self talking) before my jogs started. I did a total of 4 laps. Jay, my boyfriend for those of you who don't know him, guesstimates that each lap is roughly a mile or slightly under. Each little jog seemed to get easier. I was so proud of myself.

Later that night & the next day I could feel the after effects. My bum & backs of my thighs ached. The toes on my right foot & the ball of my foot were very sore. I'm hoping over time they adjust to the movement. I felt awesome. I still do. I can say I do realize how proper attire is needed & hope that my new sports bras come in soon. :D

So on top of my deciding to run, my eating has been well. Tonight was somewhat of a struggle but I worked through it. I decided to start utilizing free tools available online to help me track. I checked out 4 sites for calorie counting tools. I first looked at Shape Magazine's Virtual Trainer. I also looked at, &

Each one looked easy to use & I chose to use the Virtual Trainer. I have included all the links for your convenience, should you wish to do your own tracking. I liked the Virtual Trainer because I planned out my food & exercise tomorrow & it tells me how much more I can or even possibly should eat. You can enter all of your stats & it helps you track measurements, weight etc. You can even add your own foods.

I'm really happy with myself today. I am capable of anything & reminded myself of it. We are all capable of anything, we just have to remember that. Draw on the strengths, success, positivity of those in your circles. Everyone in your life was put in there for a reason. Be thankful for all the great things they bring to you & bring out in you. Don't ever stop trying to be the best person you can absolutely be.




  1. We need to get you published. You're so inspirational. I'm proud to know you. Keep on rockin' it gf!

  2. That's awesome Elizabeth! you are a runner! And maybe in September you will want to the 10K Dash for Dad in Virginia. I love reading your posts, you inspire me! :-)
