Saturday, March 27, 2010

Is that a tuba in your back pocket or are you just happy to see me?

So this week has been a super successful week for me in terms of eating. I have been super focused & planning ahead. I'm proud of myself for doing well. I have been trying a lot of new things. I tried Quinoa for the first time. I made it & tried it before I turned it into my side dish, a recipe from Oxygen Magazine. I was surprised at how good it tasted. I found dried fruit at Costco that is no sugar added. Side note: Why would anyone add sugar to dried fruit? I'm not a fan of the apples but the other fruits: two kinds of apricots, peaches, pears & plums are delicious.

I enjoyed a little too much of the fruit one night. As my body slept, it processed the last meal of the day. By morning my colon revolted against me. And by revolt I mean "If I'm not 15 pounds lighter, where did that all come from?" type of revolt. I felt really light on my feet that day!!!!

Ironically & very recently, the status of "The Eating-Clean Diet" on Facebook asked for tips from fans for those who are starting their eating clean journey. One person posted that in the beginning you will be very gassy. That it takes some time for the body to adjust. One person said it takes about 6 weeks for the body to adjust. I hope that I survive the next few weeks, as well as my loved ones & coworkers, survive as well. Seriously.

I joked to Jay that I needed some potato chips to calm my body & bring it back to normal. Hahaha potato chips to make my body feel normal......who would have ever thought? In reality, my "normal" is not a healthy normal, the greasy chips just made me sluggish & feel like poo. I'm taking my body through a readjustment period & I know one day my friend foods will truly no longer be a part of my life. My body won't be able to handle them.

As with anything new, there is an adjustment period. I know my body is adjusting to all the good fuels I am giving it. I suppose it's purging all the things, toxins, that I have put into it for so long. Maybe all the sounds it's making is a chorus of thank yous, an ovation (though not a standing one, hahaha) of sorts for my efforts.

I like that even though the Eat-Clean Diet uses the word "diet" it's really a lifestyle. I like that all the advice given is for gradual changes. That if a person tried to go "hard-core" the potential for failure is greater. Granted, I'm not 100% clean, I haven't moved from bottled dressings & I still like milk & sweetener in my tea, but most of my recent food choices have been clean. I look forward to breakfast every day. I graze on healthy things all day long. I've found that the recipes I have tried, which is only 3, all of them were delicious. Imagine that. Healthy foods that taste delicious. Who would have ever thunk it?

As I stated in my first post of my blog, every day I try. Some days I'm uber successful, some days not so much. But I have noticed that my bad choices happen a lot less often.

So I will continue on, eating my fiber rich, lean protein, complex carb foods. I will continue trying every day. I will continue trying new foods and I will toot my way through the days of my journey, hoping I don't offend someone too much.

I learned how to add links. I added some today, one to Oxygen Magazine and to The Eat-Clean Diet, haha I did it twice. Look at me go! Anyway, check them out, see what I'm talking about. It's free information. The two links are related to each other. While you're at it, check out Tosca Reno, she turned her life around by eating clean, losing 80 pounds & becoming a huge inspiration. She's the one behind the Eating-Clean books & website.

Have a tootful day!!!

Happily & gassily,


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