Sunday, March 7, 2010

Well, it's been a tough week.....eating & exercising. I was so busy at work, all day every day Monday - Saturday. It makes trying to eat right or clean very hard. I have had some revelations though.

Making the better choices has become much easier. I feel so much more in control. It's a weird but yet very exciting feeling. I never thought I would get to this place. I haven't even felt the need to cope with food.

I did get some chips. I had some. I didn't get that elated feeling of warmth that used to come over me when I ate my favorite foods. I tried to find it, it never came. I'm not complaining, it's just something I'm not used to.

I made time to exercise today & I really got into it. I did a full body lift then I did 30 minutes of cardio on the elliptical. As I was doing my 30 minutes of cardio I noticed my breathing was even & steady. I was calm & very happy. It was such a good feeling. I was so pleased with myself. I felt so good that I came home, cleaned & took my Hailey girl for a nice walk out in the sunshine. We probably walked a little over a mile (according to Jay). The last hill home was tough but we made it.

So, I'm thinking my happy feelings from food might possibly be replaced with happy feelings from being able to move & groove.

That's a darn good thing.




  1. Do you feel like you've got more incentive to stick to the plan because of the blog?

  2. I do feel like I have I have more incentive, a lot of incentive actually.

  3. Good job and most importantly great noticing about how you feel around food and exercise! I think it's never about giving up those "favorite foods" but using them in different ways, if that makes sense.
