Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Need for Motivation

Motivation. We all need it at different points in our lives. I've been searching for mine. I've been looking for my motivation for exercise. I've been looking & looking but just can't seem to find it.

I remember how much I enjoy exercise. The elation, the calm & relaxed feelings of euphoria as I get into my groove. How my breathing was in and out of the gym. How much better I sleep. How much easier I wake up. How I have energy during the day. All of these reminders should be the motivation to get back into the swing of things. They aren't.

Working six days a week, 5 of them just about straight nine hour days makes for a tired girl at night. Excuses, I know. I'm not going to get up extra early to go the YMCA, which is two minutes up the road from me, literally. I go to bed after 11pm most nights. Getting up at 5am to go early just won't work for me. I should go after work. I'm motivated during the day then it totally peters out. It's exhausting being busy all day, on the phone, super multitasking, talking to people, rushing, doing, going. By the end of the day I just want a little peace and quiet. I plan to try and be in bed by 9:30pm but that just doesn't happen. I seem to get a second wind around 9pm or so, then piddle around making my lunches & snacks for the next day. I suppose if I were exercising regularly, that wouldn't happen.

Today something happened that wasn't very positive. I was on my way to work & there is an intersection I cross over every day. The left lane is the turn left/go straight lane and the right one is right turn only. So I was 2nd in line behind a car also going straight. When the light turned green we started to move. The 2 big trucks to my right, one with a trailer were not aware of how the lanes actually work because they went straight through the light instead of turning right like they were supposed to. So I laid on my horn & started screaming at the one guy. He didn't think he did anything wrong & here we are stopped in the middle of the road for my screaming & his ignorance. It was at THAT very moment it occurred to me I need to go to the YMCA. That is not how I normally react to things. That's bad, very bad. Anyone who knows me would have been shocked at my behavior. Hell, I was shocked at my behavior.

So I took some deep breaths & calmed myself down. I've decided to go back to my minimum exercise requirement to get me started. It's just something I've set for myself. Just get to the gym & burn 300 calories doing something. Doesn't matter how long it takes, just do it. Usually I end up going & doing more. It occurred to me that I need to do for me and no one else. What is better motivation other than taking care of yourself?

Anyone who would like to share their motivation, it would be greatly welcomed!!




  1. I just have to tell you I love reading your blog. It is comforting to know that I'm not the only who feels this way on a daily basis. Every blog you have written I think "wow she is really good at this"! I'm very impressed, supported and always looking forward to reading more! Thank you for sharing! I appreciate you putting yourself out there for the rest of us to glean from. This one is what I needed at the right time!! Thank you sooo much for sharing!!!

    Julie B!

  2. As your mother, I don't like seeing the hurt, pain and struggles you go through everyday. But, out of this I'm getting to see a woman who is taking control of her daily struggle, weight loss. I just want you to know I'm sorry. Alot of your problems were caused by me and Nani, never wanting to see you cry we fed you food. What a cop out!! Please forgive me, I should have known better!! I love you!!!
