Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Alright, I told you all I would talk about my first Zumba class, so here we go. It was so much fun!! I LOVED every single sweaty minute of it.

The class I am in is/was the very first Zumba class at the Y. It's the fall quarter with the new classes & yesterday started off all the new ones. Today was the first Zumba. There were about 20 of us. We didn't really know what to expect. Our instructor's name is Jake. He's all of 19 years old. I'm gonna get a picture of me with him at some point for my blog. I believe his waist is as big as my thigh but the boy has moves, I tell you, mmmooooooovvveeesssss!!!!

He started the music & off we went. 10 minutes in, yes, I said 10 minutes, I didn't think I'd be able to finish the class. It was so fast paced, but so much fun. We were shaking our hips, vibrating, shaking, dropping, rolling, you name it. I loved every minute of it. Honestly, I think he went easy on us because it was our first class.

The class is only 45 minutes long & I sweated more than when I do the cross trainer for 60 minutes. How do I know this? By the sweat that soaked through my shirt. Usually just the chest & back of my shirt is wet. Not today. Even my shoulders we soaked through. Here is proof:

and here is another of my face:

Now I don't wear any makeup when I exercise unless it's after work. There was a woman in class today with her double gold hoop earrings that touched her shoulders with all her gold bracelets who had on brown frosted lipstick & brown frosted eyeshadow sweating something fierce. How do you exercise like that? Anyway......

If you can find a Zumba class near you I suggest you try it. It's different than anything I have ever done. I have taken a hip hop class but this was much more intense. It was a nice change of my regular routine. Right now, I'm glad it's only once a week. Non-Y members can take it but it costs a bit more to do so. I'm hoping it's popular & they keep the class going because I will keep taking it!!!

Thanks for reading & get out there & try something new!!!


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