Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I hate to break it to you but I'm still in a funk. It's just an emotional funk but it's still a funk. My "lay off" and the way it was handled has just thrown me for a loop in a lot of ways. I'm struggling with a lot of things, except for the first time, exercise is not struggle.

I have been doing something every day. I love the Y. It helps keep my anxiety down. Some days it's really bad. I feel like I need to be nasty to everyone. I really try not to be & if I have been to you, I'm sorry.

I noticed today there is a difference in the full body cross trainers & lower body ones. In an hour on the full body machines (which is the machine I prefer) I only go about 4 miles in distance. Today, I had to use the lower body ones & only did 45 minutes and went 6 miles. I'm going to have to do some research to figure out the difference.

Also, I have a new guilty pleasure. I happened to be at the Y later than normal (my funk makes it harder & harder to get motivated each day) & The Wendy Williams Show was on. I love Wendy & all her many wigs. I love that she's honest about her wig wearing. She is fun!! You should check her out sometime!!!!

Anyway, I'm working on something, a business endeavor you could say. I don't want to talk about it too much right now, until more of the plan comes together. I'm pretty excited about it.

I think as long as I keep exercising a constant, things will be ok. If I stop, my funk will consume me & I'm trying not to let that happen. If any one of you hear me say "I didn't go to the Y, I didn't feel like it, or I'm just in a funk" please slap me silly. I just can't stop going.




  1. Thinking about and rooting for you!!

  2. Great job on keeping active and Good luck on your new adventure! I can't wait to hear about it (one day).
