Saturday, January 29, 2011

No Horseback Riding Today

So I'm trying to move out of this funk. I suggested to my friend Ashley we try the Abs class at the Y last night that was this morning. It's only a 30 minute class. I thought it was a good start.

Excuse my language but HOLY EFFING CRAP!!!!! We felt the burn instantly. We started by light bouncing on a stability ball, lifting one leg, small circles while bouncing on the ball. Easy. It wasn't until we had to hold the ball behind our knees & do crunches that the pain began. It got really bad when we had to hold the ball between our feet & lift our legs to meet our hands above us to grab the ball & keep passing it between our feet & hands. I don't have the inner thigh strength. I lost a little control of my ball & my abs were burning so badly the only thing I was even capable of doing was rolling side to side like an effing beached whale because the quivering of my muscles was so bad I couldn't contract the muscles to sit up.

We did stuff with weights, I use 3 lb weights & it was killer. We did some ass work too. With the weights. This sort of donkey kick type thing. I liked that we didn't focus just on the abs located in the stomach/groin area. We did obliques & we worked hips too. Ironically, a man taught the class. It was a fast paced class, with some techno music. It wasn't difficult, it just matters on how strong certain muscles are.

I'm sore now, my inner thighs, my obliques, abs, hips - no pain, no gain, right?

I liked it, a lot. I can't wait until next Saturday. I also need to get to Costco for a big bottle of pain reliever before then......


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