Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sorry for the delay....

So sorry I am doing my Monday post today, Wednesday. I was a little preoccupied. :)

So my last post was titled "Something is Different" and I still believe that. I mentioned my mom was in town visiting, and we were enjoying the time & enjoying some things (foods) we have together. Yes, I accounted for everything. Every single thing I put into my mouth, I weighed & measured. Good & bad. Well, nothing is bad or off limits with WW. Just account for everything. And that is exactly what I have done. Yesterday, I had a very sad day with taking my mom to the airport. I cried the whole way home. I stopped at Quick Chek, which is my favorite convenience type store here in NJ & they happened to have my favorite Cheese Waffle Chips. They are these waffle type chips filled with this cheese to form a little sandwich. Normally, I don't have self control with them. I was ready to let my self control, I was just too sad & needed the comfort. I grabbed a bag, got a Coke Zero & checked out. When I got into my car, I was ready to tear into the bag. Except I didn't. I read the label to see what a serving size was. I took out 6 of the cheese waffle chips. I folded the bag up & enjoyed my portion. When I got home, I entered the information into my WW points tracker for what I had. For the first time ever I was able to live in peace & enjoy something I like. I considered that a success!! Now I'm about to give you a little general advice.

Don't ask someone if they can eat "that" or ask "What can you eat"? Anything & everything. Thank you for being considerate, it is appreciated, really. WW is a lifestyle, not a diet. Changing your lifestyle, for anyone, is difficult. Just be supportive. Mainly, just don't make someone feel like they are "different" because they are working at making better choices. They have to live their life their way just like you have to live yours your way. That's all, for now :)

Ok, so for my update. Yes, I accounted for everything. I am also down another 1.8 pounds making my 2 week total loss 8.5 pounds. Pretty awesome, right? Next Monday, I'm not so sure how it's going to turn out, but I'm not really worried. I have not had one single day where I didn't account for anything. Very different from the other times doing WW. I haven't exercised this week. I've been waking up with some severe headaches. I had sweets on Sunday, which I attributed to Monday's headache along with the fact that I haven't been drinking my water, so I think I'm slightly dehydrated. I just have to get back to getting my water in. I think it's going to make a huge difference. If I don't show a loss next Monday, it's not going to be an issue. Slow & steady wins the race!!

1 comment:

  1. 8.5 lbs!!!?! Awesome!!
    I totally agree with your advice. When I first began WW, someone kept asking me "Can you eat that? Are you allowed to eat that?,etc. and it felt really liberating to say "I can eat anything I want!"

    I don't know if you feel the same, but to me it's such a crazy, powerful thing to track & log those "coping" foods. It's like you suddenly "own" them and they don't have any power anymore.

    Keep up the great work!
