Thursday, July 22, 2010

Old Habits

Do they really die hard or do they never die but remain dormant, sometimes forever??

So I know I would blog about my small goal & bigger-ish goal today, to keep you updated on me. Well, I got my 64 ounces of water in & I have lost count on how many times I've gone to the bathroom. I'm hoping I canmake it through the night without any "incidents"....hahaha

As for my bigger-ish goal, you know, the one where I get to the Y at least 4 times a week? Well I had my alarm set for 4:45am & never heard it go off. THAT is unusual for me because I hear everything. It wasn't until the boy started his wailing from the other room to wake me up that I became remotely coherent. When I looked at the clock (it said 5:42am) it occurred to me I slept in the same position all night long & was suffering from broken hip syndrome. Great.

Instead of letting that totally derail me I took a different approach. I'd figure out a way to get in SOME exercise. Today was cleanup day at work, so we spent a lot of time packing up things & cleaning & tidying. Weight Watchers always counted any thing that made you move as activity. Awesome!!!! When I got home from work, I changed my clothes & decided since I wouldn't be getting weight training in as planned, I do some core strenghtening. I worked on my planks, which is merely holding pushup position for a duration. Might sound easy but it isn't. My arms begin to shake & I feel the muscles in my lower back & abdomen hurt. They are doing what they are supposed to do. They wouldn't hurt so much if my core was stronger, but we will get there. Then I did some crunches while holding a weighted bar behind my knees. Having a strong core improves posture, balance & a whole bunch of other things.

I was told something earlier that bothered me quite a bit. I was a little shocked. I could get it out here, I could use humor, I could call Seth, I could eat chips or I can hide behind my smile. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do.

Anyway, I have to take a potty break, 64 ounces of water is a lot!!!


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