A girl writing about her life & the impact that food has on her & her choices along the road to a healthier lifestyle.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
My sweet potato is in the oven & other random bits....
This morning I went to the Y to do my C25K. I made a play list, which I thought was great. I don't think so anymore. It's too hard for me to keep a pace with the music. Each song isn't quite the same beats per minute (bpm) and I change my pace, faster or slower, to maintain a rhythm. I think it makes me burn out quicker. I've been loving the Girl Talk - All Day mix that was made. I am no where near the pace of the music, but it's consistent, which helps me. I know I will get there eventually....
Anyway, after the "run", I got on the elliptical for 35 minutes, making my total cardio 60 minutes. Yes, I've earned the nap I am about to take!! I listened to only 3 songs that I recently got while on the elliptical. I change/keep pace to them. They aren't "new" songs, just new to me. I like them because they make me want to move. I've also been putting these songs on to do my planks & abdominal work when I get home. I'm lucky to have a boyfriend who made me a 6lb & 9lb weighted bars like you see at the gym. We checked out prices on them in Dick's Sporting Goods & because of his craft he saved me about $60!!!! They are "Teeth" by Lady Gaga, "Not Myself Tonight" & "Woohoo" by Christina Aguilera. I have added the videos so you can hear them for yourself. Please note that there hasn't been a video released for Woohoo, so I did the best I could! Let me know what you think about the music!! I've been dancing around my apartment listening to them!!
So, as I mentioned Monday, I got On Program (OP) with Weight Watchers (WW). I've done well. I had to have a mid week weigh because I'm an every day weigher. I've been trying not to. I will only be sharing my progress weekly. Just know that it's going awesome so far!! I've accounted for everything & have felt completely satisfied. Please note that a banana with Nutella is DIVINE!!!! I've even been planning ahead for Friday night, which is New Years Eve so that I don't have to feel deprived. I will be making a WW appetizer to bring with me to my friend's house, who is also doing WW. If it's good, I will share it!!!
On Monday, something was said, that maybe I took to heart a little too much. The comment in itself was snarky & I responded & ironically was told I didn't need to "get snarky". Yeah, several of my friends & I are doing WW. No, no food is off limits. It's all about choices. Less than 12 hours of trying to make a lifestyle change is not exactly when I want to hear someones sarcasm. Obviously it's still bothering me because today is Thursday. Probably because it's my nature to hold on to things & not let them go. I pretty much can remember most of all the things ever said to me that have bothered me. I remember where I was, who said them & when they were said. Anyway......I'm trying hard to work through it and that process seems to be rather slow. And no, I don't talk to people when something they did or said bothered me. That is something I am still working on. Usually I just hold everything in & hide behind a smile & pretend everything is fine. Maybe this is small progress in that area because I've shared it instead of keeping it inside?
I can smell a sweet potato I've been baking for my snack & I can't wait to eat the hot & sweet goodness!! I'm so excited for it!!!
Check back Monday when I tell you how my first week back on WW went!!! It's going to be exciting!!!
Be safe & Have a Happy New Year!!!!
Monday, December 27, 2010
So Far So Good
I spent a good amount of time yesterday tracking my food for the entire day. It was helpful, I was 100% On Program (OP). I've tracked for tomorrow too. I'm feeling really excited about this. It's feeling a bit different this time. I don't know why, it just is.
Anyway, I just wanted to share that I did sign up & had a great day. As I get more into it, I'm sure I will have more to share.
Plus, I can't write too much. I got in all my water & I have to pee every 15 minutes. Just what you wanted to know, right???
Monday, December 20, 2010
I am....
I've been meaning to share with you what I wrote since Friday. I've just been busy, eating cookies mostly, but busy getting ready for Christmas. Wrapping & finishing a few homemade gifts. So let me back track a little...
My friend Ashley has been feeling under the weather. The poor thing. She can't quite shake this cold she's had & Thursday passed up the Y to rest. Since I was up & I had to talk to someone at the Y anyway, I went over to do a little cardio. I didn't do my C25K work as I won't do that without Ashley. When I got there I jumped on the cross trainer. I haven't been on the cross trainer in weeks, since I started doing the C25K program. Usually, when I get on the cross trainer after not being on it for a while, it's a bit tough. I usually don't incline it & leave the resistance about 6. Well, I started right out at a resistance of 8. Pretty good. So as I was trucking along, I checked my heart rate. 128. What the hell? Why is it so low? Not that I'm complaining, mind you, it's just it shouldn't be that low since I haven't been on the cross trainer. In fact, my legs weren't burning. I wasn't struggling.
I decided to increase my resistance up to 10 & moved the incline to 14. I checked my heart rate again in a little bit. 131. WTF?!?!? Really?!?!? I made things more difficult & my heart rate didn't increase much & I wasn't struggling. Then it occurred to me......Doing C25K, even minimally, as in, I'm still doing week 1, two to three times per week is making a difference. That's when it occurred to me.
On Friday, Ashley was feeling better so we went to do C25K. I decided to push myself & set the speed on the treadmill at 4.0. A speed of 4.0 is really that fast but it was a big deal for me. I have never ever set the speed that fast before!!! I've never really been higher than 3.8. Now I set it at 4.0 & planned to "run"???? What is going on?? Well, I did it & successfully at that. I'm pretty darn proud of myself!!!
What did I really realize? That small amounts of exercise are good for you. I've cut back some because of the holidays but, like I said before, Ashley & I do C25K two to three times per week along with 5 minutes of Zumba once a week. By no means gung ho but not sedentary either. So, with that, let me stand on my soap box for a minute:
Get out & move!! Do SOMETHING!! It's good for you!! You can commit to 20 minutes for at least 3 times per week!!!
So, Friday I was on such a high after 2 awesome cardio days and something very important occurred to me.....
I. Am. Strong.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
People: Cookies are NOT a food group. I have to be reminded of that. Well, I've been reminding myself of that as I'm eating the cookies. I spent the last 3 days baking: Russian Tea Cakes, Raspberry Tea Cookies & Cut Out Cookies with frosting. All 3 are very delicious. Yesterday was an all cookie day. Monday was some raw cookie dough, warm cut outs out of the oven, cut outs after they were frosted.....I wish they didn't taste so damn good!!! Please note that the only reason I have so many cookies is because they are to be gifts & something to take when I go to someone's house, so I'm not empty handed. I don't want to seem ungrateful.
I've been eating way too many carbs. I'm not one of those people who omits carbs, I just don't usually eat the refined ones. Lately, it's all I seem to consume. I have a perpetual headache, I can't keep my eyes open & my mood hasn't been so great but it's what I can afford. I'm really going to have to sit down & figure out a more cost effective way to eat better on such a tight budget. Any tips would be welcome & much appreciated!!!
I know my eating is affecting my mood. I don't want to do anything, even more so than before. On Monday, I cancelled the Y with my friend because I just didn't feel like going, then I changed my mind & decided to go after I read an e-mail I got. I got my Eat Clean Diet Newsletter. The subject was: 10 Surprising Reasons to Get to the Gym. Although I included the link, I'm going to post the reasons, just in case you don't have time to surf the interweb.
1. Decrease your risk of heart disease through exercise by increasing blood flow around the heart and raising your level of HDL (or “good”) cholesterol. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for North American women, so get active to avoid becoming a statistic!
2. Exercise boosts your immune system response by producing cells that attack bacteria, so you don’t have to fear cold and flu season.
3. Endorphins produced by physical activity have been shown to effectively improve your mood and decrease incidences of depression. Exercise is important not only for your physical health, but also for your mental wellbeing!
4. Your lung capacity can increase with regular exercise, so workouts are important if you suffer from breathing difficulties or conditions such as asthma.
5. Ladies, listen up – exercise can reduce your risk of breast cancer by up to 60%! Since many breast tumors thrive on estrogen, and estrogen can be stored in body fat, reducing the amount of fat your body stores will help protect you.
6. Exercise alleviates menstrual cramps, so hop on the treadmill next time you’re feeling discomfort.
7. A combination of exercise, proper nutrition and hydration helps improve digestive health and keeps things moving in the right direction. So if you work out regularly and follow the Eat-Clean Diet® principles your colon will thank you!
8. Regular strength training promotes more efficient transportation of calcium through your system, which means stronger bones and a decreased risk of osteoporosis!
9. Reduce your likelihood of developing joint pain with some cardio: aerobic exercise can thicken cartilage in your joints, which then acts as a cushion to prevent pain from wear and tear.
10. Last but not least, and a cause very dear to me – exercise can reduce your risk of diabetes. Exercise causes the body to process glucose faster, which lowers blood sugar and improves insulin sensitivity, so people with type 2 diabetes can benefit from a regular exercise routine.
Reason #3 is why I changed my mind. I struggled through my "run", but did it. A little later on I asked my friend Ashley to remind me about how good I feel & how my mood is after I go should I say I want to cancel. There really are a lot of health benefits to exercising. Now for the eating.....
I'm really excited to be starting WW again. I need the structure & figure since I'm not working, I can really devote the time. Jay asked if I was starting the first of the year. I can't wait that long. My start day will be 12/27. I just can't wait!!! I will be sharing my journey with you, did you think I wouldn't?
Now, I gotta go grab a cookie.....
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Nervous Excitement
I asked Leah (I feel I don't need to mention she's my friend, I've included her in here enough that you all should know) the other day on FB how she gets past temptation. She told me she's not the best person to ask because she gives in. She said she also plans ahead. Hmmmm.....sounds like she was the perfect person for me to ask. From what I remember about WW is that no food is offer limits you just plan & account for it.
I am worried about not staying on program. I know I am the one who controls that too. Maybe the fact that I'm not working will help. I can devote the time to plan & account for everything. My weeks always started out well while I was working, but then as I was busy at work, tired at night, the planning fell short as the week went on. I suppose we will see how it goes. I suppose I will be accountable to all 17 readers.....
It helps to know I have 3 people available, that are also working WW that I can confer with, share recipes, get support from.....I'm really looking forward to it.
I suppose I'm more excited than I am nervous. I will be planning the day after Christmas to start that Monday on 12/27. Just 20 short days away!!!!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Present from my Mom
My exercise is still a bit toned down. Ashley & I have been keeping up with C25K. We're still on week 1, but who cares, we still at least are working that program. We also are still doing Zumba. I was really hoping that we'd have new Zumba stuff, but we are still doing the same moves from the first session, which is a little disappointing. I'm looking forward to when Hip Hop starts because that will be different.
My mom has been asking me what I want for Christmas. I have been telling her nothing. She's been very helpful & generous to me always, but more so since I've lost my job. I didn't feel I deserved a Christmas present. Well, last night I was talking with my friend "Annie", who has had great success on WW (Weight Watchers) losing 12 pounds!!! I also know my friend Leah has also had success with WW & I believe she reached her 10%. You go girls!!!!! I have yet to hear or read anything from Leah about the new points system that WW has just announced. It's been "in effect" for almost a week. Lastly, I'm going to share another very inspirational blog, someone who just recently reached LIFETIME with WW. Leah actually shared this with me & I've shared it with some people. I went back to the beginning & read all of her posts. If you've ever read my blog & feel like you understand because you identify with me, well, you will love Bitchcakes. Trust me. While I don't know her personally, we have had a couple of exchanges on Twitter (you can follow me @emscibilia) and just such an inspiration. Thanks Leah for sharing her blog with me!! I may have mentioned that I did WW some time ago. When I worked the program I did lose about 50 pounds on it. Since then I've gained about 20 back. Such is life.
Anyway, my mom has been asking me what I want. I've asked for her to pay for 3 months of WW online for me as my Christmas present. I'm going to do my best to eat real foods & share my progress, whatever it is with you. So, on Christmas day, I will be signing up!!! I'm actually excited. Eating & controlling portions has always been the most difficult for me. When I tell you I exercise like a fiend, I do. I love it. It's just putting it all together. Eating provides comfort for me & since losing my job, I've sought a little more comfort than usual. I think I might need to make some signs to hang in my kitchen that FOOD IS JUST THE FUEL MY BODY NEEDS TO WORK. I get it, I can say it, but sometimes I don't believe it. Sometimes I believe food will make me happy. Yeah, I know, it does for about a minute, then guilt sets in, I feel like poo & the cycle starts all over again. I'm a food coper just like there are people who cope with drugs or alcohol.
Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you.
Have a lovely Saturday everyone!!!!
Monday, November 22, 2010
I needed a bit of a break from exercising. Just because I needed one. Also, last Thursday I went into NYC to see Wendy Williams, How You Doin'? and walked about 15,000 miles. That's the great thing about the city. All the walking. Anyway, I have been feeling very physically exhausted/unmotivated so I took a small break.
Today, I went to the Y and did some C25K. Yes, I'm still doing week 1. It's good I have until the end of next September to prepare because it sure seems like I need the time!!! Anyway, I realized or discovered a couple of things.
1. I run to music. I had to pick songs that allowed me to run at a faster pace. Ironically, when doing this program, the walking portions are harder than the running. I know that doesn't make sense. See, I set the treadmill at a speed & leave it there. My walking strides are faster & smaller than my running strides. I have to hold on to walk so I don't fly off the back of the treadmill, with running I don't. Today I noticed that it was much easier to run with the faster beat songs. My shins didn't get that burning feeling in them.
2. My breathing was better as in I didn't feel like I was gasping for air. Running faster made it seem easier for me to maintain a breathing pattern. I always worry I sound like I'm wheezing & I probably am, but, who cares. It won't always be like that. I also noticed that during the walking portions, my breathing calmed down some & so did my heart rate. I'm pretty sure that's a good thing.
3. Today I made sure that each time I had to run, it was a strong run. My head & chest were up. The first week of C25K goes like this: it's a 25 minute session. You have a brisk 5 minute warm up walk & then you run for 60 seconds, then walk for 90 seconds, constantly alternating for the next 20 minutes. Each time it felt as if I could run a few seconds more than the 60 seconds determined by the C25K program. It may not seem like a big deal but it means I'm not struggling so much to get through the 60 seconds.
I also didn't have my typical breakfast which is usually a bowl of cereal. I had about a 1/2 cup of cottage cheese & a mixed cup of blackberries & raspberries. I'm sure as I get stronger, this may change.
If my runner/triathlete (Leah, Amy) friends would be so kind as to weigh in & tell us if they had these realizations when they started out, or even different ones they would like to share with us........
Today I would like to say keep plugging along if you're doing something. Listen to your body, if it says rest, then rest but don't rest for too long. If it says it feels strong, push it. I count Thursday as an exercise day because of all the walking I did. If I lived in NYC, then I wouldn't count it because it would just be a way of life I adapted to. I rested Friday, Saturday & Sunday but I'm back it it today.
Get moving!!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Getting into running isn't easy, well for me. As I've said before, it's hard, really hard, for me. Lifting weights, building stamina on the cross trainer, all much easier than running. If I haven't stretched enough before hand, I feel it quickly. If I didn't eat well the night before, I feel it quickly. You'd think my breakfast would have an impact on how my session goes, and it does, but the night before carries over as well. I lose energy quickly, my legs become tired & heavy.
As I was on the treadmill today, it occurred to me that there is more to running than well, just running. Granted, I'm not quite at a full run, but I will get there. I noticed I had to pay attention to my breathing. During my 60 second jog, I noticed I started to gasp for air. I had to stop myself from doing that, I had to take in a slow deep breath, all while jogging, to stop the gasping. The gasping was throwing my pace off. I know, this probably sounds weird, but it's what was happening. My pace isn't fast, it's only at 3.9 right now, which is ok. I have to learn to keep my breathing steady, so that my pace remains steady. Remember when I talked about my body being a machine? Well it's true. Think about how a machine works. It's not all herky jerky & gawky. It has a flow to it. I'm pretty sure that's how my body is supposed to be when it's in motion, a smooth flow.
I've decided that before I move to W2 in the C25K, it would be best, for me, to be able to do W1 in a smooth & fluid way. To make sure my breathing remains even & my pace steady. Then, when I get to W2, I will do it all over again.
According to my friend Amy, who writes this wonderful blog Byline to Finish Line about her journeys, you increase your speed as your strength & stamina increases. I know I've mentioned Amy & her blog & it's worth mentioning & worth checking out. Yes, I have a friend who is a triathlete, it makes me kind of excited to say that. Knowing Amy before she became a triathlete makes her blog that much better. Anyone can relate to it. You don't need to be as advanced in your athletic skill as Amy to get what her point it. What I like most is that when someone completely inexperienced like me, Amy has the patience to answer my questions I have about the whole running thing. Sure, there is a lot of info in the Internet, but having someone like her to ask a question of, well it's pretty awesome. Anyway, Amy is the one who introduced me to the C25K program. Oddly, she's never done the program. The reason I have mentioned her & her blog is because when you read it, and I hope you do, you will see that she struggles, she succeeds, she has the occasional epiphany & has has friends she looks to as I look to her.
My whole point with the above is we all have a starting point. Amy had to start somewhere & so did I. It's the fact that we haven't stopped. Sometimes you have to step away & come back to clear out your head. Well I do & did, at least. That sometimes things aren't easy & we all work at a different pace. Pretty much what I'm saying is since this whole C25K is hard for me, I'm not going to stop trying. I'm going to keep working at it, at my pace and I will be gathering knowledge and inspiration from those around me to keep pushing forward.
Have a great Monday!!!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Zumba - Week #9, Last Class
Well, yesterday was the last day of classes for the session. I knew I didn't have the cash to take the next session starting next Wednesday. As I was walking out, one of the YMCA's director types was there. She was talking with my Zumba ladies. Well, as luck would have it, they've dropped the price on Zumba!! It's not as expensive as it was, so it's a bit more affordable. Granted, I shouldn't really make the splurge with my current financial situation, but in this instance I can justify it. To me, Zumba is activity, it's socializing, it's a place for me to be. It's not like it's a new glittery eye shadow that I wouldn't really be wearing because I don't wear much makeup lately. It's not something frivolous, it's something that is beneficial for me in so many ways.
I also learned that, depending on how things go this session, in January, Zumba & Hip Hop will be offered as a package deal, making it EVEN MORE affordable!!! Isn't that wonderful???? I'm so excited!! I also spoke with the director type lady about my financial aid application that I submitted & she told me it would most likely be approved, without a doubt. That makes me very happy!!! Granted, I'd be happier about a job prospect, but I will take the one thing helping keep me sane at the moment!!
I know that Jake is planning to change up Zumba, new moves, new music. Yesterday, it was freezing, and he asked me if I wanted to lead the class for him, he was too cold to do it!! I know he was joking and he knows of my possibly wanting to teach Zumba classes at some point, I still found it flattering. Anyway, more classes, new moves, I'm staying on the new kick. I probably won't write about the new Zumba as much, unless something really moves me. When I start Hip Hop, I will write about that. I'm pretty sure I will be perfecting my moves to audition to be a booty poppin' girl in an R. Kelly video!!
Have a great day!!!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Huh? Running, fun???? What??
Since I was laid off, I have been back to exercising regularly. I took Zumba because they offered it at the YMCA and it's something I was interested in. I also believe in changing up your workout because your body becomes used to the same thing.....anyway, I digress ( I do that a lot, I warned you a while ago).....
In my Zumba class I made a friend, Ashley. My sweet friend Heather suggested I make a friend at the Y and ironically, it was right after I posted this blog, Ashley suggested we start making dates for the Y & working out together. Coincidence??? Maybe & it's been great!! We work out hard & it's fun. Yes, I said fun. Wait until you read what else I have for you, ya might want to sit down.....
I've started back up with the Couch to 5K program because next September my lovely friend Leah and I are going to run the Tunnel to Towers 5K together. Knowing how I operate, I had to start this October for next September. Go ahead, roll your eyes, I have at myself, I should really be able to do the program in the 9 weeks, but I know me......
Anyway, Ashley has started it with me. It's been much easier to do it with her next to me. Plus, we make it a point to meet up. We plug our headphones in to my musical selection, I have loaned her my other iPod, and we set the treadmills & go. Trust me it isn't easy, I'm huffing & puffing & sweating. My feel my ass jiggling, EVERYTHING jiggling, but I'm doing it & I'm having fun & loving it!!!
That prior paragraph is the lead in to my point. Yes, I have been encouraging you all to try something new since I've been having such a good time at Zumba. Well, while it was new, I didn't feel uncomfortable doing it. This whole wunning/wogging/jogging/running thing is very new to me. I never thought I would ever wanted to run. In fact, I think I swore I would NEVER run. Well guess what? I'm doing it. Please don't think it is easy for me because it isn't. It's very hard. My bum cheeks hurt, from running. My abs are sore, from running. Sure, I tried the C25K before & didn't successfully do it, but I'm trying again. I'm pretty sure that means I'm not truly a quitter. Maybe just a delayer....hahahahaha.......
My point is I'm doing something outside of my comfort zone. It's hard & I struggle, but I'm doing it. I think my confidence is building, because I am doing something that is a little harder for me. It helps to have a friend with me. Grab a buddy, heck, if you want to join Ashley & I you can, or if you want to do something else & invite me, call me up!! I feel so good afterwards, after any exercise. I wish I could bottle it & share the feeling, it's divine. I have so much energy throughout the day. Oddly, all the things you hear or read about exercise are true!!!
I also have something else that is making me very happy. Back in my old life, my home world & my NJ world were always separate. The ex didn't know anyone from home. No one from home knew the ex. Now, Jay has met several of my childhood friends & it's starting to seem as though some of my childhood friends are going to be meeting my NJ friends. I'm going to be seeing my friend Leah in a few months, my friend Sunny lives close to me.....the fact that my "worlds" are starting to be just one, makes me happy to tears.
Sure, I have some stress & things on my mind, but in reality, life is pretty great for me & I have a lot to be thankful for. Lungs that feel great, legs to carry my, a heart that beats, people who love me, people I love, Hailey, the boy, Jay........Me.
This weekend is going to be nice. As I mentioned before, I'm doing some hiking tomorrow. Get out, do something, anything. Just enjoy & live life!!!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Zumba - Week #8
This was after lifting some pretty heavy weights on Monday. I'm going hard. Sticking to an exercise regimen. Now just to get the eating part right...... Being on a very tight budget makes it difficult lately. I don't have the extra cash for the fresh foods, or meats for that matter. Right now I have to get what I can afford which sort of defeats the purpose of exercising so much. But anyway....
As usual, Zumba rocked. It really is so much fun. We do have an awesomely good time!! I am so happy I took the class. I completed my Financial Aid application for the YMCA & have to run back to drop it off. I am still encouraging you all to try something new & to please share it!!! You never know who YOU might inspire!!!!
Zumbaliciously yours,
Monday, October 25, 2010
Which Way to the Beach?

Ok, off my digression....
I've made a friend from Zumba. Her name is Ashley & we've been meeting & working out together. It's been nice just to have someone there. She started doing the Couch to 5K (C25K) program with me yesterday. Ironically, it made it much easier to do. Well, today our asses were sore. Yeah, from jogging. I think the total jog time was about 7 minutes too. Can't figure it out & who cares, we know we are working our asses off....literally. Anyway, I suggested that we go hard with the weights today since we started off great yesterday. I told Ashley her ass will call me to thank me. I flexed my arm, doing my best "which way to the beach?" impression & we laughed & we worked it. I will be walking like Frankestein later, that you can count on.
Anyway, I've started the C25K again because I have a goal. It's kind of far off, but it gives me time to keep up with the program. I think, since Ashley is doing it with me, I won't be stopping, which is kind of refreshing. My "Big" goal is to do the Tunnel to Towers 5K with my friend Leah from high school. She has two blogs, both worthy of being read too. Storybook Ranch and Life by Me. Please give them a peek!! Well, Leah is coming to do the run with me. You can read all about Stephen Siller if you click on his name. This year will be the 10th anniversary of the World Trade Centers and what a better way to give tribute than to participate in the 5K. Consider this an invitation to join Leah & I that day.
So that is a longer term goal. Ashely & I talked about finding some local 5K's to do in the spring, after we've been jogging together for some time. I'm actually looking forward to see how far & well things progress for me.
I know I'm always saying to try something new. This weekend coming up, it's going to be nice. By nice I mean high 50's to low 60's & sunny. Jay & I are going to do a little hiking. We are going to check out Buttermilk Falls & possibly the Dingmans Falls again. There is one difference. Each of the waterfalls has staircases that climb to the top. I swore I'd never climb to the top. Ever. I do believe I actually suggested to Jay we climb up both staircases. I don't know how many steps are involved, but as you all know, I will report back to you!!! So that's my trying something new. Climbing stairs. For fun. Yeah.
So tell me about the new things you're doing, different stuff you're trying. Hearing stuff like that helps to keep me motivated. Apparently I've inspired 2, yes 2!!! people to try new things. What's the worst thing that could happen? You don't like it? I'd bet you'd be surprised & you might actually enjoy yourself just a little.
Thanks for reading!!!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Zumba - Week #7
I have that lyric running through my head from Zumba today. We do shake shake & drop too.
Have I mentioned my calf muscles since I started Zumba? No, I didn't think so. I'd like to dedicate today's Zumba blog to them.
My calves are starting to get some definition when I flex the muscles. That is from 1 day a week, during a 45 minute class. We spend a lot of time jogging in place, doing Latin rhythms/steps, just a lot of movement, on our toes. I think my point here is if you think by doing 1 class a week, it won't be worth it, you are wrong. If that's all you're capable of then you should do it. Today I am very happy I took Zumba for a lot of reasons. I did something outside my comfort zone and I've made some new friends.
I took the advice given to me by my friend Leah last week & I spoke with the YMCA about financial aid. I picked up an application and will be filling it out to see if I qualify. Even if my monthly membership is covered, that's a big plus. I'm going to ask if they will cover at least one of the classes that are for a fee for me, so I can continue Zumba & take hip hop in January.
I've also been thinking about continuing Zumba for lots of another reason. I love it so much, I'm considering keeping up the whole exercise work, weight loss blah blah blah & becoming a Zumba instructor. Jake makes it so much fun, we really do have a good time. I like that feeling, a lot & I want other people to have that too.
Last week is the last week for my session of Zumba. The next session doesn't start until November. Hopefully, I can get the aid, otherwise, I have to find the extra cash to take the class!!
Thanks for reading!!
Monday, October 18, 2010
The Human Machine
I write this with a belly full of plain non fat Greek yogurt, sweetened with some honey & some chopped walnuts for texture. I forget how much I like that. Being on such a limited budget makes it tough. I just can't go buy fresh fruit & vegetables when I'm out. I don't have any cash to spare. I'm sad to say I won't be able to take Zumba during the next session at the Y, it's just not in my budget. Anyway....
Yes, I am a machine. I remembered that today, with great pleasure. I've been lifting weights regularly for 2 weeks. Yeah, I know, it hasn't been that long, but that's the most it's happened in probably almost 2 years and that is a really good thing. It's funny how quickly the body responds in a positive way to exercise, any form of it. In 2 weeks, I've increased the amount of weight I have been lifting during particular exercises. I'm no where near what it once was, but I will get there. It might sound weird, but I pay attention to my muscles and how they work when I lift weights. The feeling of the stretch you get, the burning, the shaking, I really love all of it. My shoulder has been bothering me for a few weeks. I don't know if I slept funny, moved funny or worse but as I continue to lift weights, it feels better and better. Funny, huh?
After I did my weights, I then did 45 minutes of cardio on the cross trainer. I don't work as hard on the cross trainer on a weight day because my legs would burn out too quick. I do maintain a moderate pace & I noticed today that with my heart rate at 135, I was breathing through my nose. That's right, my lungs & body are performing better than they have been so at the pace I keep, I didn't need to huff & puff. Awesome, but I need to step up my work. Makes me happy. When I got home, I did some planks & some ab work with my awesome weighted bars that Jay made me. So I had a good 2 hour workout today.
Today, I feel good. My whole workout today was a good reminder of what I am capable of & who I am. I am feeling confident & a little sexy. Lately, I've been feeling down-in-the-dumps & dejected. So today is nice.
Happy Monday Everyone, enjoy your day!!!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Zumba - Week #6
I have been lifting weight again, well, I've done it twice in the last week, which a lot more than it's been for a while. I've been meeting my friend at 7:00am & we work out together. It's been great. Well, Monday, I lifted weights & I did a nice full body train, then I did 45 minutes of cardio on the cross trainer. As the day wore on.....I could feel it.....I could feel my workout....
I used the adductor machine. It's a machine where your legs are spread.....well, let me just get you a picture. Click here to see the machine. You can change the amount of weight you do, I think I had 90 pounds on there. It works your inner thighs & your groin muscles.
Then, after that I went & did the leg press, two sets. I also did 90 pounds there. Then I went & did my cardio, the cross trainer, where I raise the incline on the machine so it works your butt more. 45 minutes. Fabulous.
By the end of the night, I was groaning because standing up, sitting down, changing seated positions, not sitting with my legs spread......all painful. You see, the muscles on the inner thighs, that attach your thighs to your bagina, that's where the pain is. The stairs were/still are painful. Yesterday it was worse. It's bad today, too. Usually the worst pain is not the day after you work out, it's 2 days after. That means I had to do Zumba today, 2 days after I tortured myself.
Jake changed up Zumba. He changed some of the moves in a couple of the songs. He also added weights in. Yes, I said weights. I picked 5lb weights thinking they'd be light enough. Yeah, right. Try swinging those suckers around at a fast tempo. My arms were BURNING!!! Then we added some different leg moves, think squats & my bagina muscles started burning EVEN MORE BECAUSE THEY WERE ALREADY ON FIRE!!!!!! Hence the reasons why I will be needing help dressing & undressing!!
I do have to say, Jake makes the class so much fun. We really do have a good time, so while everything is burning we are all smiling & laughing & having fun. What a frickin' gimmick, I tell ya!!!
Jake is teaching Hip Hop in January at the Y. I'm really excited for that. I can't wait to see what it's like. I think it's going to be so much fun! If I have a job by then, I'm hoping they offer the class in the evening so I can still take it.
I also have some info to share. Dance Expressions in Hamburg, which is right in front of where I live is offering Zumba.......for $3 a class!!!! Click here for the info. I plan to take some of these classes. If anyone is interested in going too, please let me know, it will be fun to do it together!!!!
Thanks for reading!!!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Zumba - Week #5
Last week I asked for you all to try something new. I'm happy to report that I apparently inspired someone to try something new. My friend Leah. We go way back, back to high school. Leah has her own blogs she writes. I haven't shared them with you because I didn't ask her permission first. Hopefully she will let me share them as I think they are pretty great!! Anyway, here is Leah's comment from the last Zumba blog:
"Me! I've tried something new thanks to you. Zumba isn't in my budget at the moment, so we've improvised and been trying out some of the dance/exercise shows on the exercise channel and have been having so much fun. The kids actually bug me to do them & we usually end up dancing around for over an hour. I totally don't even realize that I'm working out, it's so fun :) Thanks for the inspiration!"
I think it's just wonderful that Leah & her kids dance around & check out shows on TV. I know Leah will agree with me that any movement is good for you!!! What's great is she and her kids do it together, what a great way to spend time & get a little workout in without realizing it!!! You go girl!!!!
I'm also going to share with you a couple of videos, for the songs, that we dance to in Zumba.
The first song is a Celia Cruz song - La Negra Tiene Tumbao. I have lots of Celia Cruz on my iPod for some time. I like Latin rhythms in general. Yes, we gyrate, booty pop & shake our hips, throughout the entire class. Anyway, we move & shake it to this:
Another song we dance to is Daddy Yankee - Impacto ft Fergie. Again, another song I had on my iPod already. What can I say, I have an ear for good beats!!!
The last song I will be offering you today is by Beenie Man. I have a lot of Beenie Man on my iPod but not this particular song, yet. I'm going to do my best to describe the "movement" that we do throughout this song. As you listen to the song, you hear "gimme gimme gimme" over & over again. During these parts we do this quick jogging, on our toes to the rhythm., I'm sure you've seen football players do it. We move forward for 8 counts, then back, then left, then right. At the end, we do it in place putting our arms up, then down. Also, this song doesn't come on until the near end of the class. So imagine, jumping, shaking, popping, gyrating for about 35 minutes before doing this. Fun Stuff!!!!
I hope you enjoy those & they inspire you to move. I also have an offer for you. If any of you would like these songs, or just need some new music to get you inspired, I will be more than happy to send you a mix CD. I'd just need your address, which you can message me privately at grazingthroughlife@gmail.com.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Zumba - Week #4
Before I get into my Zumba post, I need to vent off a bit.
Yes, Zumba is a lot of fun!! We have a good time dancing around & chit chatting. This is not license to sing during the class. Singing off key, tone deaf high pitched to the music is just not acceptable. It's distracting. YOU distract those of us trying or best to keep up because all we can hear is YOU. Please keep all of your singing in your car or shower & preferably when you're alone, by the sound of it.
Also, if you're going to take a fast paced exercise class please act like you want to be there, as in, try moving. Period. Why would you take a class if you are barely going to move? We know who you are too. The whole point in taking an exercise class IS TO MOVE, so MOVE!!
Ok, on to Zumba. This week I work different pants. They were much more loose than normal. I actually found it difficult to move in them. No wonder when you see the Zumba commercials there aren't a lot of free flowing clothes. It's back to the yoga pants I have. Also, I wore different sneakers this week. I've been wearing my new sneakers with a thicker sole. I wore older, more broken in sneakers, but the sole isn't nearly as thick. I had a much easier time bending & moving my feet. I don't know why, it was just easier.
Jake changed class up some this week. He added in a new song. Usually there was some slower stuff, not this week. Fast paced right to the end. I still think it's fun.
I really hope that someone becomes inspired to try something new. Get out there & move!! It's good for you & you will feel better for it..... your feeling better might not be until a couple of days after, but you will feel better ;)
If you try something new, please share!!!
Thanks for stopping by!!!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Rut Schmutt
I miss Donna. I miss lifting weights with her & talking with her. I just don't do it on my own like I should. It isn't that I'm not capable because I know I am. I just miss working out with Donna. I miss working out with Donna & Elysia. When we lifted weights, laughing & talking, encouraging each other. I miss that. My time with Donna had to come to an end, not because either of us wanted it to, but because of my budget constraints. It wasn't even because I joined a different gym. Leaving the ex, supporting myself on the income I had, it just wasn't possible. Now that I've become unemployed my budget is even less. The one thing I didn't give up was my membership to the Y. I've cut everything else that I could possibly cut.
I also miss having the companionship of someone working out next to me. Elysia & I would make time to meet & we'd do our cardio. We didn't talk when we did it. We had hand signals & facial expressions. We'd decide on how long we'd go. Then, after, we'd do some extra work with bars in the gym. We'd count for each other, help each other. I miss that too.
I suppose I'm just feeling sad & lonely in the exercise department. I do the same exercise, elliptical, with the exception of Zumba. I'm in a rut. I suppose I have to get myself out of my rut & excite myself over exercise. I suppose I should finish up this blog & get my booty over to the Y.
Vent Over.
Thank you.
Continue with your day :)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
If any of you eat power bars, meal replacement bars, etc., I have a delicious & healthy kind for you. They are acceptable for a clean eating lifestyle. They are called Larabars. Please click on the name to find out more information. I have tried two different kinds & Jay tried one. I love that Jay is always willing to try something new.
Jay tried the Cashew Cookie & wasn't a big fan. He tried the rest of the bar the next day and said it tasted bit better. There are two ingredients: Cashews & Dates. I don't know what the difference between the days was, maybe he will comment to tell us.
The first one I tried was Peanut Butter Cookie. The ingredients were: Dates, Peanuts & Salt. Here is a picture:

I took the picture with my phone since I didn't have my camera with me. I was also getting my oil changed in my car at the time. The consistency of the bars is very similar to the texture of a crumbly cookie dough. Also, the only sweetness comes from the dates. I'm wondering if it's the combination of those two things Jay didn't like.
The second bar I tried was the Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip bar. The ingredients are: Dates, Peanuts, Chocolate Chips*(unsweetened chocolate, sugar, cocoa butter, vanilla) & Salt. Here is a picture of that bar:
Both bars were tasty. They do not have the "commercial" sweet taste of most bars. They are much better for you. They also have about the same amount of calories as some of the meal replacement bars, but without the processed junk in them. If you could eat something for the same nutritional value but happened to be better tasting, wouldn't you try a Larabar?
I picked up some more bars at the grocery store. For those of you who live in NJ & near a Shoprite, Shoprite has them on sale 5 for $5. The website couponmom.com, which is a free website, has a coupon for $.75 off, which will be doubled at Shoprite to be $1.50 off the bars. The Shoprite by me in Franklin, NJ also has 13 flavors of the bars, yes I counted. The other flavors I picked up are: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Chocolate Chip Brownie, Chocolate Coconut Chew, Cherry Pie, Banana Bread & Coconut Cream Pie. Jay, being the great guy he is, is willing to give them a try again. As we try them, I will let you know about how each one tastes.
If any of you give them a try, please let me know what kind you tried and what you think!
Thanks for reading!!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Zumba - Week #3
First off, meet Jake.
He's 19 & he's our Zumba instructor. He lives locally & he makes the class fun. His mom is also certified, but doesn't teach anywhere. He teaches Zumba at another local gym as well, teaching 10 classes a week. He burns so many calories that he can't gain weight. I can tell you, Zumba burns a lot of calories. I know this by the amount I sweat & the way I huff & puff. If I had a heart rate monitor I'd be able to tell you exactly how many I burn but I don't so I can't. Maybe someone will get me one for Christmas.......
Jake has been certified in teaching Zumba since June. There was a Zumba convention in Atlantic City (how did I miss this event??) and he participated and became certified. He enjoys teaching his classes. Side note, I love Zumba soooo much Ive had several thoughts to keep working at it & becoming certified myself, but I digress...
I asked Jake what sort of person should consider taking Zumba. He said anyone who wants to move should take the class. It doesn't involve a skill level, it's all meant for fun. I can tell you it doesn't involve anything super technical but it is fast paced. It's really hard not to smile or have fun while doing it. Jake also makes the class fun as you do it, he participates & interacts & it's just really a great time. Did you ever think you'd hear an exercise class get called a great time?
Jake did tell me today that he will be teaching hip hop also. I'm pretty sure it's in the next session of classes at the Y. He will still be teaching Zumba as well. I'm going to have to scrap the extra cash together to take both classes. Seeing how he moves during Zumba, I bet his hip hop class will be awesome too.
The downsides to some of the Y classes are you must be a member to be able to take them & you have to pay an extra fee. I used to belong to the other gym that Jake also teaches Zumba at. If you're into testosterone, muscle heads & the smell of funk then I will share the name with you. I'm a big advocate for the Y. It's the exact same price as the other gym I went to except at the Y I have pool use, sauna use, additional free classes, it's extremely clean & I have never seen any of the cardio equipment out of order. I also like the Y because it's very family oriented, even though I don't have a family to go with me, the staff is extremely warm & friendly. So if it's within your means, consider joining your local Y
That's some journalistic writing, right?? Nobel Peace Prize winning?? I crack myself up!!! Anyway, my message is: Get out there & move, try something new, call up a friend, or me, to join you!!! All in all just have fun with what ever it is you choose to do, just get out there & do something!!!
I'm going to leave you with a picture of Jake & I. Maybe it will inspire you to come Zumba with us!!!!
Thanks for reading!!!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Negative Self Talk

That is a childhood picture of my brother & I. Aren't we cute??
Negative Self Talk...We are ALL guilty of it. Please don't try to tell me you aren't. It's doesn't always have to do with how we look. We beat ourselves up for a lot of reasons. I've been watching this new show on TLC called Thintervention. I've been a huge fan of Jackie Warner since she had her show Working Out.
Anyway, at the end of her show, with the weigh-in she had the cast members bring a picture of themselves when they were children. The had an exercise to do. Jackie pointed out that the way we talk to ourselves NOW in our lives, we would NEVER speak to a child that way. They had to discuss the moments in the pictures & some very hurt & sad feelings they had as children. Huh, what a concept? This got me thinking.....
Maybe, instead of asking myself what is wrong with me if I have a slip up with food, maybe I will just tell myself it's ok, tomorrow is a new day. I would never tell a child, or myself as a child that they were a failure because some chips were eaten. Because I'm not, no one is.
Again, we are all guilty of negative self talk. I'm going to make a good conscious effort to not do it anymore. I hope you will too.
Have a great day!!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Zumba - Week #2
I love Zumba so much, you have no idea. It's such a change from my normal workout. It was a bit easier this week. I also figured out why I had some of the aches I did. It's true you can work your muscles without lifting weights. Granted, I don't believe doing 5 Zumba classes a week will give you the proper muscle to burn fat more effectively but it will give you something. Which my first realization is I need to get back to the weight lifting. I've been slacking. Zumba shows me, in the mirror all my jiggle & that means I need more muscle to burn that off.
My 2nd realization is that proper nutrition makes Zumba (or any form of exercise) that much easier. True story. I had a decent dinner (salad with light Parmesan peppercorn dressing, meat sauce I made with ground turkey & whole wheat rotini) with Jay last night & I had 2 eggs & 2 slices of Ezekial toast this morning. I think if I ate foods that aren't as nutritious I'd crash early on in Zumba. The energy level is high & intense through the whole thing, except the last song where Jake does stretching with us. Right now I don't feel like I need a nap. Call or text me around 3pm if you have my number, there is a good possibility I will have fallen asleep, hard LMFAO!!!!!!
My 3rd realization is that exercise is good for me in general, but for my right ankle I shattered 9 years ago. I was told by my orthopedic surgeon to not do any weight bearing activity. I shattered both leg bones as well as breaking my 3 middle toes. My doctor could never tell me if I did damage to the cartilage (apparently they can't always tell if damage has happened). Surgery was required to fix things: I had 2 screws & 2 wires on the inside of my ankle & a plate, 5 screws & bone graft on the outside. He managed to pull my toes straight, never requiring pins. I eventually had my hardware taken out. I do have arthritis on the inside of my ankle, I knew that at 27 & my leg bones are fusing themselves together. It's called a "bone bridge". The lower leg bones move independently from each other but over time mine will no longer do that, so yeah there is a lot going on in there. Stay with me, I have a point. Sometimes when I walk I have this pain in my joint, I would consider it similar whacking your funny bone. Since I started Zumba it's been more frequent. I will tell you it will go away. When I first started to exercise years ago I had the same problem & as my muscles because stronger & longer the pain went away. Go figure!!! My toes always feel like there is a sock bunched up under them. I think it's scar tissue build up. They always ache. Well, I noticed last week after Zumba that my pointer toe (the 2nd guy in line, equivalent to the pointer finger) hasn't felt like that. In fact, it doesn't feel like the "sock" is bunched there. I think all the jogging in place & these shimmy type things football players do are having a positive impact. I think as I keep exercising & doing what I do, my ankle will begin to feel good again.
So next week, I plan to introduce you all to Jake. I chatted with him after class for a minute. I wanted to make sure it was ok if I took before & after pictures with him & didn't want to just spring it on him. Now, I'm not clear (I will get clarification next week) but I'm pretty sure he teaches Zumba 5 days a week. That's more than one class a day. He actually said to me "I can't gain any weight" & he wants to. He is thin & lean. You all saw how much I was sweating in last weeks blog, well Jake sweats just as much.
Zumba makes me happy & I want to share that with everyone. I hope this inspires you to take a class you've never tried before or to step out of your comfort zone to do something a little different. I think you'd be surprised at how you feel.
Thanks for reading!!!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The class I am in is/was the very first Zumba class at the Y. It's the fall quarter with the new classes & yesterday started off all the new ones. Today was the first Zumba. There were about 20 of us. We didn't really know what to expect. Our instructor's name is Jake. He's all of 19 years old. I'm gonna get a picture of me with him at some point for my blog. I believe his waist is as big as my thigh but the boy has moves, I tell you, mmmooooooovvveeesssss!!!!
He started the music & off we went. 10 minutes in, yes, I said 10 minutes, I didn't think I'd be able to finish the class. It was so fast paced, but so much fun. We were shaking our hips, vibrating, shaking, dropping, rolling, you name it. I loved every minute of it. Honestly, I think he went easy on us because it was our first class.
The class is only 45 minutes long & I sweated more than when I do the cross trainer for 60 minutes. How do I know this? By the sweat that soaked through my shirt. Usually just the chest & back of my shirt is wet. Not today. Even my shoulders we soaked through. Here is proof:
and here is another of my face:
Now I don't wear any makeup when I exercise unless it's after work. There was a woman in class today with her double gold hoop earrings that touched her shoulders with all her gold bracelets who had on brown frosted lipstick & brown frosted eyeshadow sweating something fierce. How do you exercise like that? Anyway......
If you can find a Zumba class near you I suggest you try it. It's different than anything I have ever done. I have taken a hip hop class but this was much more intense. It was a nice change of my regular routine. Right now, I'm glad it's only once a week. Non-Y members can take it but it costs a bit more to do so. I'm hoping it's popular & they keep the class going because I will keep taking it!!!
Thanks for reading & get out there & try something new!!!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
We wet hiking yesterday. It was labeled an easy hike but we did work up a sweat. We got some great fresh air. It was really nice. We were back in the ravine for over an hour.
Needless to say, I feel like garbage from all the garbage I have had. I had to make myself a good breakfast today. Steel cut oats with strawberries & some scrambled eggs. It's time to get back on track.
Tomorrow I start Zumba, I will write to talk about that. I just wanted you all to know why I haven't been around for some time.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
I have a couple of shows recorded off of Fit TV on my DVR. I have a couple recordings of Shimmy, which is Belly Dancing, All Star Workouts & Bollywood Dance Workout in case I didn't get to the Y to exercise.
Well, I didn't get to the Y today. I had a lot of trouble sleeping last night, a lot of anxiety over my job, er previous job, how they handled things, finding a new job - all the things included in that. I finally fell asleep around 3am. I was up at 6am to feed Hailey & the boy & I dozed but didn't really sleep & got up about 9am. I ran errands & did some laundry then came back & cleaned. I was starting to feel guilty for not exercising. It's becoming as if I HAVE to do it everyday. I mean, yes, I should do a little something everyday, but I'm feeling a little crazy over it. I guess better crazy over the Y than a bag of Lays, right?? Anyway, I don't like to go to the Y too late, I really enjoy exercising in the morning. So I decided to try out one of the shows I recorded, so I tested the Bollywood Dance Workout.
Wow!! My thighs were burning, my heart was pumping & I was sweating. It was only a 30 minute show. I didn't even do it to full capacity because I was trying to get the moves down, plus my thighs were burning. To learn about Bollywood, I have included a clip about it & it's being explained by Hemalayaa, the girl who "taught" the program on Fit TV.
I couldn't find the whole episode for you, but here is a small clip to get an idea. As I sit and write the my butt is also burning. Hemalayaa laughs & tells you to smile & pretend to enjoy the workout even if things are burning. I actually looked at my TV a couple of times like: "really, seriously?? WTF???"
It wasn't easy doing moves I'm not accustomed to. It's also not easy when Hailey thinks we are playing & was all up in my grill when I bent over. Anyway, it was a good 30 minutes & I've set my DVR to record a couple of others. I can tell you if you're interested, they have her DVD's on sale on the Fit TV website, the link is at the top of the page. Hopefully this inspires you to check out something a little different!!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Ironically this week I have gotten one e-news letter & read 2 blogs along the same "crazy lady" topic. They are about dealing with fears & learning to trust yourself. I believe we are all emotionally stronger than we give ourselves credit for but it's hard to realize that when we compare ourselves to others & are so very hard on ourselves. I am most guilty of that. I'm going to share what I received & read this week with you.
The e-news letter is from the Eat Clean Diet website. I am a member and I get a weekly newsletter (which I look forward too!!). I feel strongly about eating clean & the principles behind it. Please feel free to check out the website. There is a lot of information. Also, check out Tosca Reno, what an amazing inspiration she is!!! Anyway, click here for the newsletter.
The first blog I am going to share with you, my friend Leah shared with me (Thanks Leah!!!). It's such an inspiring blog, I identify with it so much. It's real. It's extremely well written. Leah sending me this blog got me out of my exercise funk, honestly. It's what has motivated me to get back to the gym. Once you check it out, you will probably read the last few years of posts, I know I did. I always refer it to the Bitch Cakes blogs. Click here for her blog.
The second blog is by a friend of mine, Amy. Such an amazing writer that girl is. She has a dry sense of humor & is very matter-of-fact. I know the whole family & they are all the same way. Her parents are two very funny people & her brother has the same sense of humor. Great people. Amy is a triathlete. An inspiring triathlete at that. Amy's writing is very real. She offers great advice. It's very easy to identify with. Sometimes I think she is writing from my head, as if we are having the same thoughts, oh wait, we do!!! She gives me great perspective when I'm in a little funk & either comments on something to ease me out of my funk or just happened to write in her own blog. Her blog is awesome & to read it click here.
I hope you all check out the things I shared today. My funk hasn't been with exercise but with general doubts in myself. I plan to read everything again & process it. They were all good reminders.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
I have been doing something every day. I love the Y. It helps keep my anxiety down. Some days it's really bad. I feel like I need to be nasty to everyone. I really try not to be & if I have been to you, I'm sorry.
I noticed today there is a difference in the full body cross trainers & lower body ones. In an hour on the full body machines (which is the machine I prefer) I only go about 4 miles in distance. Today, I had to use the lower body ones & only did 45 minutes and went 6 miles. I'm going to have to do some research to figure out the difference.
Also, I have a new guilty pleasure. I happened to be at the Y later than normal (my funk makes it harder & harder to get motivated each day) & The Wendy Williams Show was on. I love Wendy & all her many wigs. I love that she's honest about her wig wearing. She is fun!! You should check her out sometime!!!!
Anyway, I'm working on something, a business endeavor you could say. I don't want to talk about it too much right now, until more of the plan comes together. I'm pretty excited about it.
I think as long as I keep exercising a constant, things will be ok. If I stop, my funk will consume me & I'm trying not to let that happen. If any one of you hear me say "I didn't go to the Y, I didn't feel like it, or I'm just in a funk" please slap me silly. I just can't stop going.
Friday, August 20, 2010
This whole losing my job thing has really got me in a funk. I have to force myself up out of bed in the morning. It's been very hard to get up. But I do it. I take care of my babies, then I get myself some breakfast & head to the Y. It seems to be my new way of coping, which isn't a bad thing.
I was worried about myself, that I would return to coping in my typical ways. But I haven't. I bought chips for the first time 2 days ago. Because I had company. Guess what? There are still a whole bunch left. I also would have had wings like every other day, no joke. But I haven't. I suppose my head is on better than I have been giving myself credit for.
As I said, I've been working hard at the Y. I don't do anything less than an hour. I haven't lifted weights because I have to redo my sheet Donna gave me, I just haven't had time. I see to be more busy now than I was when I had a job. I don't know how I did everything! Today I did my 60 minutes on the cross trainer. I pushed myself really hard today. I finished with a resistance of 10 & a crossramp of 14. I did that for the last 30 minutes of my time. The other 30 minutes was spent with less resistance but at a faster pace. My lungs feel wonderful & so does my body. I've notice my posture improves when I am done. I have more energy throughout the day.
I'm really glad I joined the Y. I'm starting to become face friendly with the staff. I love that it's so family oriented & everyone is so friendly. I got a flyer in the mail from the Y that was advertising their fall classes. I saw Zumba listed & I was excited about that. I spoke with the lady at the desk about signing up. I had to wait until yesterday, when it would be available for online registration. They are offering 3 classes. My only concern was that is I pick & pay for a class, what happens if I got a job? I'm going to take advantage of my unemployment for a little bit & work on me. Anyway, I asked & should I get a job that interferes with the class I signed up for, I can change to a different class, no problem. How awesome is that? I have a list of other classes the Y offers, some free, some not & I think I may take advantage of some. Why not?
I'm trying hard to "fake it until I make it". I'm really scared that I don't have a job, I will be without health insurance. I have a lot of anxiety but I'm trying my best to rely on exercise to keep my head in a healthy place because I don't know what else to do. I know everything will work out, it's just getting through it all.
Friday, August 13, 2010
On Tuesday, my friend Elysia gave me a bag of Mila. Lifemax is billing Mila as the Miracle Seed. Mila comes from the Chia seeds. Fascinating, right?? Elysia's mom Linda is selling it. Elysia's dad has been taking it for a month. He has high cholesterol. He didn't do anything but add a scoop of Mila a day to his diet. He didn't change his eating habits or what kinds of foods he ate & his cholesterol went down 15 points. Another friend of theirs, Dawn, doesn't do anything to control her blood sugar, she is a diabetic, and by adding the Mila to her diet (again, no other changes) her blood sugar has been in control.
I had to get some groceries Wednesday & got some things to add Mila into. I started it yesterday. Elysia advised me to drink A LOT of water. I will tell you I have had a lot of furgly gurgling in my belly. There is a lot of fiber in the Mila. There is a lot of a lot of things in the Mila. I have included several links for you to check it out. The website mentions how people notice immediate differences. I can tell you I am cynic so I was doubtful. Today, being the 2nd day I have taken it I have had quite the diminished appetite. Maybe it's all the water, maybe it's all the soluble fiber. I don't quite know. Yesterday, I mixed it in my oatmeal. Today I stirred it into low sugar orange juice. The Mila will become gelatinous if it sits in water & Elysia said if you mix it in yogurt & let it sit some, the yogurt will expand. It is a tasteless product. I will be monitoring my blood sugar as the days go by. I know just how to exercise to lower my blood sugar a lot so I have to be careful.
I've only been adding 1/2 a scoop. The suggestion is a whole scoop. I can't imagine how much gurgling would be going on if I did have a full scoop!!! I'm not suggesting you buy Mila. I'm asking that you read my blog & see what happens with me & you read about Mila. I ate lunch between 11 & 12 today & I'm still not hungry for dinner. We will see what there is to come......
Sunday, August 8, 2010
I did go to the Y. My legs were tired. Probably because of yesterday's cardio (mostly) but I think a little has to do feeling depressed. I worked through the pain. Did my hour. Again, it was hard not to panic & cry.
Now I keep pacing through my apartment. Looking for something to satisfy the need to cope. I don't have anything. No chips, no cheese, no wings, nothing. I keep hoping, every time I open my refrigerator something will appear. It doesn't. I just keep drinking water. I know it's a good thing I don't have anything, I know it won't make me feel any better. I just don't know how to make myself feel better at the moment, different than I normally do.
I will get through it. Today is a very hard day. I won't be doing my normal Sunday routines of making stuff for lunch for the week & ironing my clothes. I should clean but I just don't feel like it. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.
Your Junkie,